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Science 357 (6356), 1123-1126, 2017
1038 2017 Shell model monte carlo methods SE Koonin, DJ Dean, K Langanke
Physics reports 278 (1), 1-77, 1997
630 1997 Coupled-cluster computations of atomic nuclei G Hagen, T Papenbrock, M Hjorth-Jensen, DJ Dean
Reports on Progress in Physics 77 (9), 096302, 2014
598 2014 Pairing in nuclear systems: from neutron stars to finite nuclei DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Reviews of Modern Physics 75 (2), 607, 2003
596 2003 Cloud quantum computing of an atomic nucleus EF Dumitrescu, AJ McCaskey, G Hagen, GR Jansen, TD Morris, ...
Physical review letters 120 (21), 210501, 2018
514 2018 Shape coexistence and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction PG Reinhard, DJ Dean, W Nazarewicz, J Dobaczewski, JA Maruhn, ...
Physical Review C 60 (1), 014316, 1999
486 1999 Systematic study of deformed nuclei at the drip lines and beyond MV Stoitsov, J Dobaczewski, W Nazarewicz, S Pittel, DJ Dean
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (5), 054312, 2003
395 2003 Electron capture rates on nuclei and implications for stellar core collapse K Langanke, G Martinez-Pinedo, JM Sampaio, DJ Dean, WR Hix, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (24), 241102, 2003
349 2003 Consequences of nuclear electron capture in core collapse supernovae WR Hix, OEB Messer, A Mezzacappa, M Liebendörfer, J Sampaio, ...
Physical Review Letters 91 (20), 201102, 2003
306 2003 Ab initio coupled-cluster approach to nuclear structure with modern nucleon-nucleon interactionsG Hagen, T Papenbrock, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (3), 034330, 2010
289 2010 Spin-dependent neutralino-nucleus scattering for nuclei MT Ressell, DJ Dean
Physical Review C 56 (1), 535, 1997
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234 * 2007 Practical solution to the Monte Carlo sign problem: Realistic calculations of Y Alhassid, DJ Dean, SE Koonin, G Lang, WE Ormand
Physical review letters 72 (5), 613, 1994
226 1994 Coupled-cluster approach to nuclear physics DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 054320, 2004
222 2004 Orderly spectra from random interactions CW Johnson, GF Bertsch, DJ Dean
Physical Review Letters 80 (13), 2749, 1998
221 1998 Rotational Bands in the Doubly Magic Nucleus D Rudolph, C Baktash, MJ Brinkman, E Caurier, DJ Dean, M Devlin, ...
Physical review letters 82 (19), 3763, 1999
219 1999 The Role of Electron Captures in Chandrasekhar-Mass Modelsfor Type IaSupernovae F Brachwitz, DJ Dean, WR Hix, K Iwamoto, K Langanke, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 536 (2), 934, 2000
217 2000 Shell-model Monte Carlo studies of fp -shell nuclei K Langanke, DJ Dean, PB Radha, Y Alhassid, SE Koonin
Physical Review C 52 (2), 718, 1995
211 1995 Medium-mass nuclei from chiral nucleon-nucleon interactions G Hagen, T Papenbrock, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review Letters 101 (9), 092502, 2008
209 2008 Coupled cluster calculations of ground and excited states of nuclei K Kowalski, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen, T Papenbrock, P Piecuch
Physical review letters 92 (13), 132501, 2004
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