The role and significance of Magnesium in modern day research-A review SVS Prasad, SB Prasad, K Verma, RK Mishra, V Kumar, S Singh Journal of Magnesium and alloys 10 (1), 1-61, 2022 | 479 | 2022 |
Evaluating the impact of social media activities on human brand sales AR Saboo, V Kumar, G Ramani International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (3), 524-541, 2016 | 283 | 2016 |
Nano to macro mechanical characterization of shale V Kumar, CH Sondergeld, CS Rai SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-159804-MS, 2012 | 244 | 2012 |
Solid organ transplantation from hepatitis B virus–positive donors: consensus guidelines for recipient management S Huprikar, L Danziger-Isakov, J Ahn, S Naugler, E Blumberg, RK Avery, ... American Journal of Transplantation 15 (5), 1162-1172, 2015 | 240 | 2015 |
Dietary fibers as functional ingredients in meat products and their role in human health AK Biswas, V Kumar, S Bhosle, J Sahoo, MK Chatli International Journal of Livestock Production 2 (4), 45-54, 2011 | 218 | 2011 |
Optimal control of the shuttle-tethered-subsatellite system PM Bainum, VK Kumar Acta Astronautica 7 (12), 1333-1348, 1980 | 174 | 1980 |
Efficacy, efficiency and safety aspects of hydrogen peroxide vapour and aerosolized hydrogen peroxide room disinfection systems TY Fu, P Gent, V Kumar Journal of Hospital Infection 80 (3), 199-205, 2012 | 169 | 2012 |
Facts, noise and wishful thinking: muscle protein turnover in aging and human disuse atrophy MJ Rennie, A Selby, P Atherton, K Smith, V Kumar, EL Glover, SM Philips Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 20 (1), 5-9, 2010 | 165 | 2010 |
Nanoindentation studies on shales P Shukla, V Kumar, M Curtis, CH Sondergeld, CS Rai ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2013-578, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
Mast cells: emerging sentinel innate immune cells with diverse role in immunity V Kumar, A Sharma Molecular immunology 48 (1-3), 14-25, 2010 | 157 | 2010 |
Multi‐ion‐beam reactive sputter deposition of ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films SB Krupanidhi, H Hu, V Kumar Journal of applied physics 71 (1), 376-388, 1992 | 156 | 1992 |
Web mining: Today and tomorrow K Sharma, G Shrivastava, V Kumar 2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 1, 399-403, 2011 | 155 | 2011 |
Estimation of elastic properties of organic matter and Woodford shale through nano-indentation measurements V Kumar, ME Curtis, N Gupta, CH Sondergeld, CS Rai SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference, SPE-162778-MS, 2012 | 136 | 2012 |
Development of bi-metal doped micro-and nano multi-functional polymeric adsorbents for the removal of fluoride and arsenic (V) from wastewater V Kumar, N Talreja, D Deva, N Sankararamakrishnan, A Sharma, ... Desalination 282, 27-38, 2011 | 133 | 2011 |
Congenital coronary anomalies of origin and distribution in adults: a coronary arteriographic study. S Harikrishnan, SP Jacob, J Tharakan, T Titus, VK Kumar, A Bhat, ... Indian heart journal 54 (3), 271-275, 2002 | 122 | 2002 |
Wireless sensor networks: security issues, challenges and solutions V Kumar, A Jain, PN Barwal International Journal of Information and Computation Technology (IJICT) 4 (8 …, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
ANN based self tuned PID like adaptive controller design for high performance PMSM position control V Kumar, P Gaur, AP Mittal Expert Systems with Applications 41 (17), 7995-8002, 2014 | 116 | 2014 |
A MRF model-based segmentation approach to classification for multispectral imagery A Sarkar, MK Biswas, B Kartikeyan, V Kumar, KL Majumder, DK Pal IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40 (5), 1102-1113, 2002 | 116 | 2002 |
Percutaneous ureterolitholapaxy: the best bet to clear large bulk impacted upper ureteral calculi. V Kumar, R Ahlawat, GK Banjeree, RP Bhaduria, A Elhence, M Bhandari Archivos espanoles de urologia 49 (1), 86-91, 1996 | 110 | 1996 |
Public awareness, understanding & attitudes toward epilepsy. SK Gambhir, V Kumar, PD Singhi, RC Goel The Indian journal of medical research 102, 34-38, 1995 | 107 | 1995 |