The dynamics of social practice: Everyday life and how it changes E Shove, M Watson, M Pantzar Sage, 2012 | 6187 | 2012 |
Comfort, cleanliness and convenience: The social organization of normality E Shove (No Title), 2003 | 3477 | 2003 |
Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change E Shove Environment and planning A 42 (6), 1273-1285, 2010 | 3351 | 2010 |
Consumers, producers and practices: Understanding the invention and reinvention of Nordic walking E Shove, M Pantzar Journal of consumer culture 5 (1), 43-64, 2005 | 1660 | 2005 |
CAUTION! Transitions ahead: politics, practice, and sustainable transition management E Shove, G Walker Environment and planning A 39 (4), 763-770, 2007 | 1594 | 2007 |
Governing transitions in the sustainability of everyday life E Shove, G Walker Research policy 39 (4), 471-476, 2010 | 1370 | 2010 |
The design of everyday life E Shove Berg, 2007 | 1303 | 2007 |
Converging conventions of comfort, cleanliness and convenience E Shove Journal of Consumer policy 26, 395-418, 2003 | 1121 | 2003 |
Social exclusion, mobility and access N Cass, E Shove, J Urry The sociological review 53 (3), 539-555, 2005 | 1061 | 2005 |
What is energy for? Social practice and energy demand E Shove, G Walker Theory, culture & society 31 (5), 41-58, 2014 | 948 | 2014 |
Debating the future of comfort: environmental sustainability, energy consumption and the indoor environment H Chappells, E Shove Building Research & Information 33 (1), 32-40, 2005 | 630 | 2005 |
The nexus of practices A Hui, T Schatzki, E Shove The Nexus of Practices: Connections, Constellations, Practitioners, 98-113, 2017 | 570 | 2017 |
Inconspicuous consumption: the sociology of consumption, lifestyles and the environment E Shove, A Warde Sociological theory and the environment: classical foundations, contemporary …, 2002 | 567 | 2002 |
Theories of practice and public health: understanding (un) healthy practices S Blue, E Shove, C Carmona, MP Kelly Critical public health 26 (1), 36-50, 2016 | 552 | 2016 |
Interventions in practice: re-framing policy approaches to consumer behaviour N Spurling, A McMeekin, E Shove, D Southerton, D Welch University of Manchester, Sustainable Practices Research Group, 2013 | 549 | 2013 |
The sociology of energy, buildings and the environment: Constructing knowledge, designing practice S Guy, E Shove Routledge, 2014 | 511 | 2014 |
Product, competence, project and practice: DIY and the dynamics of craft consumption M Watson, E Shove Journal of consumer culture 8 (1), 69-89, 2008 | 498 | 2008 |
Time, consumption and everyday life: practice, materiality and culture E Shove, F Trentmann, R Wilk Routledge, 2020 | 468 | 2020 |
Defrosting the freezer: From novelty to convenience: A narrative of normalization E Shove, D Southerton Journal of Material Culture 5 (3), 301-319, 2000 | 448 | 2000 |
Conceptualizing connections: Energy demand, infrastructures and social practices E Shove, M Watson, N Spurling European journal of social theory 18 (3), 274-287, 2015 | 437 | 2015 |