Observation of Dirac node formation and mass acquisition in a topological crystalline insulator Y Okada, M Serbyn, H Lin, D Walkup, W Zhou, C Dhital, M Neupane, S Xu, ...
Science 341 (6153), 1496-1499, 2013
345 2013 An On/Off Berry Phase Switching with Circular Graphene Resonators FG Kermani, DT Walkup, C Gutierrez, JR Nieva, YY Zhao, JE Wyrick, ...
Science Magazine 356 (Science Magazine), 2017
152 * 2017 An on/off Berry phase switch in circular graphene resonators F Ghahari, D Walkup, C Gutiérrez, JF Rodriguez-Nieva, Y Zhao, J Wyrick, ...
Science 356 (6340), 845-849, 2017
152 2017 Dirac mass generation from crystal symmetry breaking on the surfaces of topological crystalline insulators I Zeljkovic, Y Okada, M Serbyn, R Sankar, D Walkup, W Zhou, J Liu, ...
Nature materials 14 (3), 318, 2015
146 2015 Influence of electron doping on the ground state of X Chen, T Hogan, D Walkup, W Zhou, M Pokharel, M Yao, W Tian, ...
Physical Review B 92 (7), 075125, 2015
118 2015 Influence of Electron Doping on the Ground State of (Sr La x) 2 IrO 4 X Chen, T Hogan, D Walkup, W Zhou, M Pokharel, M Yao, W Tian, ...
Physical Review B 92 (7), 75125-75125, 0
118 * Mapping the unconventional orbital texture in topological crystalline insulators I Zeljkovic, Y Okada, CY Huang, R Sankar, D Walkup, W Zhou, M Serbyn, ...
Nature Physics 10 (8), 572, 2014
113 2014 Imaging the evolution of metallic states in a correlated iridate Y Okada, D Walkup, H Lin, C Dhital, TR Chang, S Khadka, W Zhou, ...
Nature materials 12 (8), 707, 2013
98 2013 Strain engineering Dirac surface states in heteroepitaxial topological crystalline insulator thin films I Zeljkovic, D Walkup, BA Assaf, KL Scipioni, R Sankar, F Chou, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (10), 849, 2015
94 2015 Interaction-driven quantum Hall wedding cake–like structures in graphene quantum dots C Gutiérrez, D Walkup, F Ghahari, C Lewandowski, JF Rodriguez-Nieva, ...
Science 361 (6404), 789-794, 2018
71 2018 First-order melting of a weak spin-orbit Mott insulator into a correlated metal T Hogan, Z Yamani, D Walkup, X Chen, R Dally, TZ Ward, MPM Dean, ...
Physical review letters 114 (25), 257203, 2015
56 2015 Visualizing Landau levels of Dirac electrons in a one-dimensional potential Y Okada, W Zhou, C Dhital, D Walkup, Y Ran, Z Wang, SD Wilson, ...
Physical review letters 109 (16), 166407, 2012
53 2012 Quasiparticle interference and strong electron–mode coupling in the quasi-one-dimensional bands of Sr2 RuO4 Z Wang, D Walkup, P Derry, T Scaffidi, M Rak, S Vig, A Kogar, I Zeljkovic, ...
Nature Physics 13 (8), 799, 2017
46 2017 Ripple-modulated electronic structure of a 3D topological insulator Y Okada, W Zhou, D Walkup, C Dhital, SD Wilson, V Madhavan
Nature communications 3, 1158, 2012
43 2012 Interplay of orbital effects and nanoscale strain in topological crystalline insulators D Walkup, BA Assaf, KL Scipioni, R Sankar, F Chou, G Chang, H Lin, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1550, 2018
37 2018 Nanoscale determination of the mass enhancement factor in the lightly doped bulk insulator lead selenide I Zeljkovic, KL Scipioni, D Walkup, Y Okada, W Zhou, R Sankar, G Chang, ...
Nature communications 6, 6559, 2015
15 2015 Visualizing the Coulomb blockade in graphene quantum dots; Part II D Walkup, F Ghahari, C Gutierrez, C Lewandowski, J Rodriguez Nieva, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018
2 2018 Helical level structure of Dirac potential wells D Walkup, JA Stroscio
Physical Review B 96 (20), 201409, 2017
2 2017 Doping and strain effects in strongly spin-orbit coupled systems DT Walkup
Boston College, 2016
2 2016 Transformation of Dirac Surface States across the Quantum Phase Transition in a Topological Crystalline Insulator I Zeljkovic, Y Okada, M Serbyn, R Sankar, D Walkup, W Zhou, MZ Hasan, ...
Preprint at http://arxiv. org/abs/1403.4906, 2014
2 2014