Le récit et sa construction M Fayol Editions Lambert Lucas, 2024 | 677 | 2024 |
Longitudinal relationships of levels of language in writing and between writing and reading in grades 1 to 7. RD Abbott, VW Berninger, M Fayol Journal of educational psychology 102 (2), 281, 2010 | 667 | 2010 |
Implicit learning out of the lab: the case of orthographic regularities. S Pacton, P Perruchet, M Fayol, A Cleeremans Journal of experimental psychology: General 130 (3), 401, 2001 | 631 | 2001 |
Des idées au texte: psychologie cognitive de la production verbale orale et écrite M Fayol FeniXX, 1997 | 601 | 1997 |
Is written language production more difficult than oral language production? A working memory approach B Bourdin, M Fayol International journal of psychology 29 (5), 591-620, 1994 | 551 | 1994 |
Predicting arithmetical achievement from neuro-psychological performance: A longitudinal study M Fayol, P Barrouillet, C Marinthe Cognition 68 (2), B63-B70, 1998 | 362 | 1998 |
Cognitive overload and orthographic errors: When cognitive overload enhances subject–verb agreement errors. A study in French written language M Fayol, P Largy, P Lemaire The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (2), 437-464, 1994 | 355 | 1994 |
L'orthographe M Fayol, JP Jaffré Que sais-je, 2024 | 330 | 2024 |
Children's implicit learning of graphotactic and morphological regularities S Pacton, M Fayol, P Perruchet Child development 76 (2), 324-339, 2005 | 328 | 2005 |
Effects of an adaptive game intervention on accessing number sense in low‐socioeconomic‐status kindergarten children AJ Wilson, S Dehaene, O Dubois, M Fayol Mind, Brain, and Education 3 (4), 224-234, 2009 | 324 | 2009 |
First graders' cognitive representation of number and understanding of place value: Cross-national comparisons: France, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and the United States. IT Miura, Y Okamoto, CC Kim, M Steere, M Fayol Journal of educational psychology 85 (1), 24, 1993 | 317 | 1993 |
The determinants of spoken and written picture naming latencies P Bonin, M Chalard, A Méot, M Fayol British Journal of Psychology 93 (1), 89-114, 2002 | 288 | 2002 |
Comment enseigner l'orthographe aujourd'hui? C Brissaud, D Cogis, JP Jaffré, JC Pellat, M Fayol Hatier, 2011 | 266 | 2011 |
Conceptions of first‐year university students of the constituents of matter and the notions of acids and bases D Cros, M Maurin, R Amouroux, M Chastrette∗, J Leber, M Fayol European journal of science education 8 (3), 305-313, 1986 | 256 | 1986 |
L'enfant et le nombre: du comptage à la résolution de problèmes M Fayol (No Title), 1990 | 255 | 1990 |
Note de synthèse M Fayol, JM Monteil Revue française de pédagogie 106 (1), 91-110, 1994 | 253* | 1994 |
Psychologie cognitive de la lecture M Fayol, JÉ Gombert, P Lecocq, L Sprenger-Charolles, D Zagar Presses universitaires de France, 1992 | 229 | 1992 |
Learning to spell: Research, theory, and practice across languages CA Perfetti, L Rieben, M Fayol Routledge, 1997 | 222 | 1997 |
Selecting between competitors in multiplication tasks: An explanation of the errors produced by adolescents with learning difficulties P Barrouillet, M Fayol, E Lathulière International Journal of Behavioral Development 21 (2), 253-276, 1997 | 216 | 1997 |
Modelling the development of written composition D Alamargot, M Fayol The SAGE handbook of writing development, 23-47, 2009 | 215 | 2009 |