Detector dose response in megavoltage small photon beams. I. Theoretical concepts H Bouchard, J Seuntjens, S Duane, Y Kamio, H Palmans Medical physics 42 (10), 6033-6047, 2015 | 139 | 2015 |
Detector dose response in megavoltage small photon beams. II. Pencil beam perturbation effects H Bouchard, Y Kamio, H Palmans, J Seuntjens, S Duane Medical physics 42 (10), 6048-6061, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
Correction-less dosimetry of nonstandard photon fields: a new criterion to determine the usability of radiation detectors Y Kamio, H Bouchard Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (17), 4973, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
X-ray on chip: Quantifying therapeutic synergies between radiotherapy and anticancer drugs using soft tissue sarcoma tumor spheroids M Bavoux, Y Kamio, E Vigneux-Foley, J Lafontaine, O Najyb, ... Radiotherapy and Oncology 157, 175-181, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Radiotherapy on-chip: microfluidics for translational radiation oncology R Chermat, M Ziaee, DY Mak, E Refet-Mollof, F Rodier, P Wong, ... Lab on a Chip 22 (11), 2065-2079, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
PO-0177 A new software for designing patient-specific sleeves for the Montreal split-ring applicator B Basaric, L Morgan, C Engelberts, M Crocker, D Orbovic, J Carrier, ... Radiotherapy and Oncology 158, S140-S141, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Prototype testing the 3D-printed Montreal split-ring applicator (GYN) using biocompatible materials Y Kamio, MÈ Roy, LA Morgan, M Barkati, MC Beauchemin, JF Carrier, ... Radiotherapy and Oncology 158, S152-S153, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
The Montreal split ring applicator: Towards highly adaptive gynecological brachytherapy using 3D-printed biocompatible patient-specific interstitial caps Y Kamio, MÈ Roy, LA Morgan, M Barkati, MC Beauchemin, F DeBlois, ... Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy 15 (6), 453-464, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Development of a 3D Printed Geiger Mueller Calibration Geometry to Verify the Activity of a Novel Endoscopic Alpha Emitters Brachytherapy Loading Device for Pancreatic Cancer Y Kamio, J Carrier, S Bedwani MEDICAL PHYSICS 47 (6), E741-E742, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
A finite volume approach to dosimetric calculations in diffusing alpha-emitters radiation therapy P Chevé, P Charbonneau, JF Carrier, Y Kamio Physics in Medicine & Biology 69 (17), 175016, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
195 Alpha Particle Dose Modeling in Dart Brachytherapy: Sensitivity of Diffusion-Leakage Parameters, Seed Geometry and Inter-Seed Effects P Chevé, P Charbonneau, JF Carrier, Y Kamio Radiotherapy and Oncology 186, S86, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Development of a stand‐alone precalculated Monte Carlo code to calculate the dose by alpha and beta emitters from the Ra‐224 decay chain M Hoseini‐Ghahfarokhi, Y Kamio, J Mondor, K Jabbari, JF Carrier Medical Physics 50 (8), 5176-5188, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
PHSOR10 presentation time: 1: 15 pm: dosimetry comparison platform for diffusing alpha emitters radiation therapy (DaRT) in focal prostate brachytherapy JF Carrier, K Boudam, L Arazi, Y Kamio, D Taussky Brachytherapy 21 (6), S29, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
OC-0048 Correlation between radiation-induced foci from 192Ir brachytherapy and tumor nuclei Size B Behmand, M Evans, Y Kamio, SA Enger Radiotherapy and Oncology 158, S37-S38, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Validation of an orthovoltage based high-throughput microfluidic labon-a-chip radiobiological platform using EBT3 GafchromicTM film multichannel dosimetry Y Kamio, M Bavoux, KZ Boukhal, JF Carrier, F DeBlois, P Wong, ... MEDICAL PHYSICS 46 (11), 5374-5374, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Développement d'un nouveau critère pour déterminer les limites d'utilisation des détecteurs en dosimétrie non standard Y Kamio | 1 | 2014 |
RadioPharm Posters PO0501: Characterization of the Energy Spectra of a Novel Source for Alpha DaRT Brachytherapy Using a Liquid Scintillation Counter F Farokhimoghadam, JF Carrier, Y Kamio Brachytherapy 23 (6), S149, 2024 | | 2024 |
Modeling the 224Ra Alpha DaRT Source to Investigate Nuclei Desorption AA Mowlavi, Y Kamio, B Jia, R Shamsabadi, JF Carrier MEDICAL PHYSICS 51 (8), 5798-5798, 2024 | | 2024 |
On the use of Fricke gel dosimeters for the delivery quality assurance of whole-brain irradiation with hippocampal sparing SM Taghavi, JC Cote, K Zerouali, S Bedwani, JF Carrier, Y Kamio MEDICAL PHYSICS 51 (8), 5812-5813, 2024 | | 2024 |