A taxonomy of gestures in human computer interactions M Karam | 287 | 2005 |
Designing the model human cochlea: An ambient crossmodal audio-tactile display M Karam, FA Russo, DI Fels IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2 (3), 160-169, 2009 | 113 | 2009 |
The emoti-chair: an interactive tactile music exhibit M Karam, C Branje, G Nespoli, N Thompson, FA Russo, DI Fels CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3069-3074, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
A framework for research and design of gesture-based human-computer interactions M Karam University of Southampton, 2006 | 98 | 2006 |
Modelling perceptual elements of music in a vibrotactile display for deaf users: A field study M Karam, G Nespoli, F Russo, DI Fels 2009 Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2009 | 56 | 2009 |
Towards a model human cochlea: sensory substitution for crossmodal audio-tactile displays. M Karam, FA Russo, C Branje, E Price, DI Fels Graphics Interface, 267-274, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
System and method for displaying sound as vibrations M Karam, DI Fels, FA Russo US Patent 9,078,065, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Vibrotactile display of music on the human back C Branje, M Maksimouski, M Karam, DI Fels, F Russo 2010 Third International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2010 | 33 | 2010 |
mSpace: interaction design for user-determined, adaptable domain exploration in hypermedia M Karam, S Zhao | 32 | 2003 |
A study on the use of semaphoric gestures to support secondary task interactions M Karam, MC Schraefel CHI'05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1961-1964, 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Evaluating bluscreen: Usability for intelligent pervasive displays M Karam, T Payne, E David 2007 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 18-23, 2007 | 25 | 2007 |
Investigating user tolerance for errors in vision-enabled gesture-based interactions M Karam, MC Schraefel Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 225-232, 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
Enhancing entertainment through a multimodal chair interface C Branje, M Karam, D Fels, F Russo 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for …, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Designing a model human cochlea: Issues and challenges in crossmodal audio-haptic displays M Karam, DI Fels Proceedings of the 2008 Ambi-Sys workshop on Haptic user interfaces in …, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
mc schraefel. A study on the use of semaphoric gestures to support secondary task interactions M Karam CHI 5, 1961-1964, 2005 | 13* | 2005 |
Comparing gesture and touch for notification system interactions M Karam, JC Lee, T Rose, F Quek, S McCrickard 2009 Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |
mc schraefel. 2005. A taxonomy of gestures in human computer interactions M Karam Electronics and Computer Science, 0 | 12 | |
Schraefel, mc (2005) M Karam A taxonomy of gestures in human computer interactions, 1-45, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
A Taxonomy of Gestures in Human Computer Interactions. 2005 M Karam, MC Schraefel Project Report. Available online: http://eprints. soton. ac. uk/id/eprint …, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
mc schraefel. 2005 M Karam A taxonomy of gestures in human computer interactions, 0 | 11 | |