Ashok Chopra
Ashok Chopra
Professor of Zoology and Environmental Science,Gurukula Kangri University,Haridwar
Zweryfikowany adres z gkv.ac.in - Strona główna
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Cytowane przez
Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides in aquatic system—an overview
AK Chopra, MK Sharma, S Chamoli
Environmental monitoring and assessment 173, 905-916, 2011
Scenario of heavy metal contamination in agricultural soil and its management
AK Chopra, C Pathak, G Prasad
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 1 (1), 99, 2009
Experimental and kinetic studies for phycoremediation and dye removal by Chlorella pyrenoidosa from textile wastewater
VV Pathak, R Kothari, AK Chopra, DP Singh
Journal of environmental management 163, 270-277, 2015
A review on sewage sludge (Biosolids) a resource for sustainable agriculture
V Kumar, AK Chopra, A Kumar
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 2 (4), 340-347, 2017
Scenario of solid waste management in present Indian context.
R Rajput, G Prasad, AK Chopra
Caspian J. Env. Sci., 7 (1), 45-53, 2009
Accumulation and Translocation of Metals in Soil and Different Parts of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Amended with Sewage Sludge
V Kumar, AK Chopra
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 92, 103-108, 2014
Overview of electrolytic treatment: an alternative technology for purification of wastewater
AK Chopra, AK Sharma, V Kumar
Archives of Applied Science Research 3 (5), 191-206, 2011
Slow sand filtration of UASB reactor effluent: A promising post treatment technique
VK Tyagi, AA Khan, AA Kazmi, I Mehrotra, AK Chopra
Desalination 249 (2), 571-576, 2009
Fertigation effect of distillery effluent on agronomical practices of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (Fenugreek)
V Kumar, AK Chopra
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184 (3), 1207-1219, 2012
Alternative microbial indicators of faecal pollution: current perspective
VK Tyagi, AK Chopra, AA Kazmi, A Kumar
Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 3 (3), 205-216, 2006
Accumulation of heavy metals in the vegetables grown in wastewater irrigated areas of Dehradun, India with reference to human health risk
AK Chopra, C Pathak
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-8, 2015
Insecticidal activity of Valeriana jatamansi (Valerianaceae) against mosquitoes
VK Dua, MF Alam, AC Pandey, S Rai, AK Chopra, VK Kaul, AP Dash
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 24 (2), 315-318, 2008
Assessment of plant growth attributes, bioaccumulation, enrichment, and translocation of heavy metals in water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) grown in sugar mill effluent
V Kumar, J Singh, AK Chopra
International journal of phytoremediation 20 (5), 507-521, 2018
Effects of sugarcane pressmud on agronomical characteristics of hybrid cultivar of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under field conditions
V Kumar, AK Chopra
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 5, 149-162, 2016
Monitoring of Physico-chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Municipal Wastewater at Treatment Plant, Haridwar City(Uttarakhand) India
V Kumar, AK Chopra
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 5 (2), 109-118, 2012
Comparative study of some physicochemical parameters of soil irrigated with sewage water and canal water of Dehradun city, India
S Rai, AK Chopra, C Pathak, DK Sharma, R Sharma, PM Gupta
Archives of Applied Science Research 3 (2), 318-325, 2011
Phycoremediation of textile wastewater by unicellular microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa
AK V.V Pathak, D. P. Singh, R. Kothari and Chopra
Cell. Mol. Biol. 60 (5), 35-40, 2014
Assessment of Heavy Metals in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Grown in Sewage Sludge–Amended Soil
V Kumar, AK Chopra, S Srivastava
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47 (2), 221-236, 2016
Impact of climate change on biodiversity of India with special reference to Himalayan region-An overview
V Kumar, AK Chopra
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 1 (1), 117, 2009
Phytoremediation potential of water caltrop (Trapa natans L.) using municipal wastewater of the activated sludge process-based municipal wastewater treatment plant
V Kumar, AK Chopra
Environmental technology 39 (1), 12-23, 2018
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