Assessment of the regional economic impacts of catastrophic events: CGE analysis of resource loss and behavioral effects of an RDD attack scenario JA Giesecke, WJ Burns, A Barrett, E Bayrak, A Rose, P Slovic, M Suher Risk Analysis: An International Journal 32 (4), 583-600, 2012 | 120 | 2012 |
The global economic effects of pandemic influenza G Verikios, M Sullivan, P Stojanovski, JA Giesecke, G Woo Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), 2011 | 107 | 2011 |
Assessing regional risks from pandemic influenza: a scenario analysis G Verikios, M Sullivan, P Stojanovski, J Giesecke, G Woo The World Economy 39 (8), 1225-1255, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
The Sydney Olympics, seven years on: An ex-post dynamic CGE assessment JA Giesecke, JR Madden Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), 2007 | 88 | 2007 |
Rice land designation policy in Vietnam and the implications of policy reform for food security and economic welfare JA Giesecke, NH Tran, EL Corong, S Jaffee The Journal of Development Studies 49 (9), 1202-1218, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |
Modelling the economic impacts of the Sydney Olympics in retrospect–Game over for the bonanza story? JA Giesecke, JR Madden Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 30 (2), 218-232, 2011 | 72 | 2011 |
Regional computable general equilibrium modeling JA Giesecke, JR Madden Handbook of computable general equilibrium modeling 1, 379-475, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Modelling value-added tax in the presence of multi-production and differentiated exemptions JA Giesecke, TH Nhi Journal of Asian Economics 21 (2), 156-173, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Explaining regional economic performance: an historical application of a dynamic multi-regional CGE model J Giesecke Papers in Regional Science 81, 247-278, 2002 | 53 | 2002 |
A general framework for measuring VAT compliance rates J Giesecke, NH Tran Applied Economics 44 (15), 1867-1889, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
The economic costs to the US of closing its borders: A computable general equilibrium analysis PB Dixon, JA Giesecke, MT Rimmer, A Rose Defence and Peace Economics 22 (1), 85-97, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
The consequences of Less Favoured Area support: a multi-regional CGE analysis for Poland K Zawalinska, J Giesecke, M Horridge Agricultural and food science 22 (2), 272-287, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Development of a large-scale single US region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application JA Giesecke Spatial Economic Analysis 6 (3), 331-350, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
CGE evaluation of a university's effects on a regional economy: an integrated assessment of expenditure and knowledge impacts JA Giesecke, JR Madden Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies: Journal of the Applied …, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
A Large‐Scale Dynamic Multi‐Regional CGE Model With an Illustrative Application JA Giesecke, JR Madden Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies 15 (1), 02-25, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
The macroeconomic and food security implications of price interventions in the Philippine rice market MJM Mariano, JA Giesecke Economic Modelling 37, 350-361, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
MMRF: Monash Multi-Regional Forecasting Model: A dynamic multi-regional model of the Australian economy P Adams, J Dixon, JA Giesecke, M Horridge Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Regional dynamics under adverse physical and behavioral shocks: the economic consequences of a chlorine terrorist attack in the Los Angeles financial district J Giesecke, W Burns, A Rose, T Barrett, M Griffith Regional science matters: studies dedicated to Walter Isard, 319-350, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Regional macroeconomic outcomes under alternative arrangements for the financing of public infrastructure J Giesecke, PB Dixon, MT Rimmer Papers in Regional Science 87 (1), 3-32, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Population ageing and structural adjustment J Giesecke, GA Meagher Australian Journal of Labour Economics 11 (3), 227-247, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |