Ostreopsis ovata bloom along the Conero Riviera (northern Adriatic Sea): Relationships with environmental conditions and substrata C Totti, S Accoroni, F Cerino, E Cucchiari, T Romagnoli Harmful algae 9 (2), 233-239, 2010 | 261 | 2010 |
Trends in Ostreopsis proliferation along the Northern Mediterranean coasts L Mangialajo, N Ganzin, S Accoroni, V Asnaghi, A Blanfuné, M Cabrini, ... Toxicon 57 (3), 408-420, 2011 | 257 | 2011 |
Toxic marine microalgae and noxious blooms in the Mediterranean Sea: A contribution to the Global HAB Status Report A Zingone, L Escalera, K Aligizaki, M Fernández-Tejedor, A Ismael, ... Harmful Algae 102, 101843, 2021 | 138 | 2021 |
Ostreopsis cf. ovata bloom in the northern Adriatic Sea during summer 2009: Ecology, molecular characterization and toxin profile S Accoroni, T Romagnoli, F Colombo, C Pennesi, CG Di Camillo, ... Marine pollution bulletin 62 (11), 2512-2519, 2011 | 134 | 2011 |
The toxic benthic dinoflagellates of the genus Ostreopsis in temperate areas: a review S Accoroni, C Totti Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 7 (1), 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
New approach using the real-time PCR method for estimation of the toxic marine dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in marine environment F Perini, A Casabianca, C Battocchi, S Accoroni, C Totti, A Penna PLoS One 6 (3), e17699, 2011 | 115 | 2011 |
A conceptual model of annual Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms in the northern Adriatic Sea based on the synergic effects of hydrodynamics, temperature, and the N: P ratio of water … S Accoroni, PM Glibert, S Pichierri, T Romagnoli, M Marini, C Totti Harmful Algae 45, 14-25, 2015 | 107 | 2015 |
Ostreopsis fattorussoi sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new benthic toxic Ostreopsis species from the eastern Mediterranean Sea S Accoroni, T Romagnoli, A Penna, S Capellacci, P Ciminiello, ... Journal of Phycology 52 (6), 1064-1084, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Effects of harmful dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata exposure on immunological, histological and oxidative responses of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis S Gorbi, GC Avio, M Benedetti, C Totti, S Accoroni, S Pichierri, ... Fish & shellfish immunology 35 (3), 941-950, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Phytoplankton size-distribution and community structure in relation to mucilage occurrence in the northern Adriatic Sea C Totti, M Cangini, C Ferrari, R Kraus, M Pompei, A Pugnetti, T Romagnoli, ... Science of the Total Environment 353 (1-3), 204-217, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton populations in the middle Adriatic sub-basin C Totti, G Civitarese, F Acri, D Barletta, G Candelari, E Paschini, A Solazzi Journal of Plankton Research 22 (9), 1735-1756, 2000 | 101 | 2000 |
Monitoring toxic microalgae Ostreopsis (dinoflagellate) species in coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea using molecular PCR-based assay combined with light microscopy C Battocchi, C Totti, M Vila, M Masó, S Capellacci, S Accoroni, A Reñé, ... Marine pollution bulletin 60 (7), 1074-1084, 2010 | 100 | 2010 |
Titanium dioxide based nanotreatments to inhibit microalgal fouling on building stone surfaces GB Goffredo, S Accoroni, C Totti, T Romagnoli, L Valentini, P Munafò Building and Environment 112, 209-222, 2017 | 98 | 2017 |
Nutrients, standing crop and primary production in western coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea A Zoppini, M Pettine, C Totti, A Puddu, A Artegiani, R Pagnotta Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 41 (5), 493-513, 1995 | 96 | 1995 |
Seasonal and interannual trends of oceanographic parameters over 40 years in the northern Adriatic Sea in relation to nutrient loadings using the EMODnet chemistry data portal F Grilli, S Accoroni, F Acri, F Bernardi Aubry, C Bergami, M Cabrini, ... Water 12 (8), 2280, 2020 | 95 | 2020 |
Nutrient, particulate matter and phytoplankton variability in the photic layer of the Otranto strait G Socal, A Boldrin, F Bianchi, G Civitarese, A De Lazzari, S Rabitti, C Totti, ... Journal of Marine Systems 20 (1-4), 381-398, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast G Corriero, C Pierri, S Accoroni, G Alabiso, G Bavestrello, E Barbone, ... Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26 (2), 392-409, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Spatial and temporal variability of pico-, nano-and microphytoplankton in the offshore waters of the southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) F Cerino, FB Aubry, J Coppola, R La Ferla, G Maimone, G Socal, C Totti Continental Shelf Research 44, 94-105, 2012 | 85 | 2012 |
Allelopathic interactions between the HAB dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata and macroalgae S Accoroni, I Percopo, F Cerino, T Romagnoli, S Pichierri, C Perrone, ... Harmful Algae 49, 147-155, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Phytoplankton communities in the northwestern Adriatic Sea: Interdecadal variability over a 30-years period (1988–2016) and relationships with meteoclimatic drivers C Totti, T Romagnoli, S Accoroni, A Coluccelli, M Pellegrini, A Campanelli, ... Journal of Marine Systems 193, 137-153, 2019 | 81 | 2019 |