Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and applications of SNP genotyping in nonmodel organisms. JE Seeb, G Carvalho, L Hauser, K Naish, S Roberts, LW Seeb Molecular ecology resources 11, 2011 | 415 | 2011 |
Characterization of seven microsatellite loci derived from pink salmon. JB OLSEN, P BENTZEN, JE SEEB Molecular Ecology 7 (8), 1998 | 319 | 1998 |
An empirical comparison of SNPs and microsatellites for parentage and kinship assignment in a wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population L Hauser, M Baird, RAY Hilborn, LW Seeb, JE Seeb Molecular ecology resources 11, 150-161, 2011 | 282 | 2011 |
Characterization of 14 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci derived from sockeye salmon. JB Olsen, SL Wilson, EJ Kretschmer, KC Jones, JE Seeb | 254 | 2000 |
Paralogs are revealed by proportion of heterozygotes and deviations in read ratios in genotyping‐by‐sequencing data from natural populations GJ McKinney, RK Waples, LW Seeb, JE Seeb Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (4), 656-669, 2017 | 247 | 2017 |
Genotyping by sequencing resolves shallow population structure to inform conservation of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) WA Larson, LW Seeb, MV Everett, RK Waples, WD Templin, JE Seeb Evolutionary Applications 7 (3), 355-369, 2014 | 242 | 2014 |
Use of sequence data from rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon for SNP detection in Pacific salmon CT Smith, CM Elfstrom, LW Seeb, JE Seeb Molecular Ecology 14 (13), 4193-4203, 2005 | 196 | 2005 |
RADseq provides unprecedented insights into molecular ecology and evolutionary genetics: comment on Breaking RAD by Lowry et al. (2016) GJ McKinney, WA Larson, LW Seeb, JE Seeb Molecular ecology resources 17 (3), 356-361, 2017 | 157 | 2017 |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms provide rapid and accurate estimates of the proportions of US and Canadian Chinook salmon caught in Yukon River fisheries CT Smith, WD Templin, JE Seeb, LW Seeb North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25 (3), 944-953, 2005 | 142 | 2005 |
Evidence of Damage to Pink Salmon Populations Inhabiting Prince William Sound, Alaska, Two Generations after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill BG Bue, S Sharr, JE Seeb Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127 (1), 35-43, 1998 | 140 | 1998 |
Gene-centromere mapping of 25 loci in rainbow trout FW Allendorf, JE Seeb, KL Knudsen, GH Thorgaard, RF Leary Journal of Heredity 77 (5), 307-312, 1986 | 140 | 1986 |
Advances in molecular technology and their impact on fisheries genetics L Hauser, JE Seeb Fish and Fisheries 9 (4), 473-486, 2008 | 138 | 2008 |
Migration of Pacific Rim chum salmon on the high seas: insights from genetic data LW Seeb, PA Crane, CM Kondzela, RL Wilmot, S Urawa, ... Genetics of Subpolar Fish and Invertebrates, 21-36, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Climate change, ecosystem impacts, and management for Pacific salmon DE Schindler, X Augerot, E Fleishman, NJ Mantua, B Riddell, ... Fisheries 33 (10), 502-506, 2008 | 128 | 2008 |
SNP genotyping by the 5′-nuclease reaction: advances in high-throughput genotyping with nonmodel organisms JE Seeb, CE Pascal, R Ramakrishnan, LW Seeb Single nucleotide polymorphisms: methods and protocols, 277-292, 2009 | 121 | 2009 |
Genetic structuring among Alaskan Pacific herring populations identified using microsatellite variation M O'connell, MC Dillon, JM Wright, P Bentzen, S Merkouris, J Seeb Journal of Fish Biology 53 (1), 150-163, 1998 | 120 | 1998 |
Effects of crossovers between homeologs on inheritance and population genomics in polyploid-derived salmonid fishes FW Allendorf, S Bassham, WA Cresko, MT Limborg, LW Seeb, JE Seeb Journal of Heredity 106 (3), 217-227, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Summer–fall distribution of stocks of immature sockeye salmon in the Bering Sea as revealed by single‐nucleotide polymorphisms C Habicht, LW Seeb, KW Myers, EV Farley, JE Seeb Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139 (4), 1171-1191, 2010 | 115 | 2010 |
Better growth in all‐female diploid and triploid rainbow trout RJ Sheehan, SP Shasteen, AV Suresh, AR Kapuscinski, JE Seeb Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128 (3), 491-498, 1999 | 111 | 1999 |
A Dense Linkage Map for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Reveals Variable Chromosomal Divergence After an Ancestral Whole Genome … MSO Brieuc, CD Waters, JE Seeb, KA Naish G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 4 (3), 447-460, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |