Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media M Ito The MIT press, 2013 | 2870* | 2013 |
Connected learning: An agenda for research and design M Ito, K Gutiérrez, S Livingstone, B Penuel, J Rhodes, K Salen, J Schor, ... Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, 2013 | 1923 | 2013 |
Living and learning with new media: Summary of findings from the digital youth project M Ito, HA Horst, M Bittanti, B Herr Stephenson, PG Lange, CJ Pascoe, ... The MIT Press, 2009 | 1568 | 2009 |
Participatory culture in a networked era: A conversation on youth, learning, commerce, and politics H Jenkins, M Ito John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 1323 | 2015 |
Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones in Japanese life. ME Ito, DE Okabe, ME Matsuda Boston Review, 2005 | 1254* | 2005 |
Mobile phones, Japanese youth, and the re-placement of social contact M Ito Mobile communications: Re-negotiation of the social sphere, 131-148, 2005 | 631 | 2005 |
Technosocial situations: Emergent structurings of mobile email use M Ito, D Okabe Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones in Japanese life 20 (6), 257-273, 2005 | 466 | 2005 |
boyd, d.(2016) H Jenkins, M Ito Participatory culture in a networked era: A conversation on youth, learning …, 0 | 412 | |
Accelerating reflexivity M Ito, M Matsuda, D Okabe MIT Press, 2006 | 333 | 2006 |
Engineering play: A cultural history of children's software M Ito MIT Press, 2012 | 311 | 2012 |
The ecology of games: Connecting youth, games, and learning KS Tekinbas MIT press, 2007 | 308 | 2007 |
Hanging out, messing around, geeking out: Living and learning with new media M Ito, S Baumer, M Bittanti, D Boyd, R Cody, B Herr, L Tripp Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009 | 286 | 2009 |
Design for network communities ED Mynatt, A Adler, M Ito, VL O'Day Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing …, 1997 | 257 | 1997 |
Intimate visual co-presence M Ito, D Okabe 2005 Ubiquitous Computing Conference, 2005 | 232 | 2005 |
Fandom unbound: Otaku culture in a connected world M Ito, D Okabe, I Tsuji Yale University Press, 2012 | 231 | 2012 |
Mobile communication and selective sociality M Ito, M Matsuda, D Okabe MIT press, 2006 | 231 | 2006 |
Intimate connections: Contextualizing Japanese youth and mobile messaging M Ito, D Okabe The inside text: Social, cultural and design perspectives on SMS, 127-145, 2005 | 222 | 2005 |
Youth culture and the shaping of Japanese mobile media: Personalization and the keitai Internet as multimedia T Okada Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones in Japanese life, 41-60, 2005 | 216* | 2005 |
Camera phones changing the definition of picture-worthy O Daisuke Japan Media Review, 2003 | 210 | 2003 |
Introduction: Personal, portable, pedestrian M Ito Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones in Japanese life, 1-16, 2005 | 198 | 2005 |