The decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic phytoplankton bloom PW Boyd, CS Law, CS Wong, Y Nojiri, A Tsuda, M Levasseur, S Takeda, ... Nature 428 (6982), 549-553, 2004 | 578 | 2004 |
An objective method for computing advective surface velocities from sequential infrared satellite images WJ Emery, AC Thomas, MJ Collins, WR Crawford, DL Mackas Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 91 (C11), 12865-12878, 1986 | 425 | 1986 |
Volcanic ash fuels anomalous plankton bloom in subarctic northeast Pacific RC Hamme, PW Webley, WR Crawford, FA Whitney, MD DeGrandpre, ... Geophysical Research Letters 37 (19), 2010 | 330 | 2010 |
The vertical structure of turbulent dissipation in shelf seas JH Simpson, WR Crawford, TP Rippeth, AR Campbell, JVS Cheok Journal of Physical Oceanography 26 (8), 1579-1590, 1996 | 259 | 1996 |
Physical processes that enhance nutrient transport and primary productivity in the coastal and open ocean of the subarctic NE Pacific FA Whitney, WR Crawford, PJ Harrison Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (5-6), 681-706, 2005 | 202 | 2005 |
Currents along the Pacific coast of Canada HJ Freeland, WR Crawford, RE Thomson Atmosphere-Ocean 22 (2), 151-172, 1984 | 165 | 1984 |
Bottom stress estimates from vertical dissipation rate profiles on the continental shelf RK Dewey, WR Crawford Journal of Physical Oceanography 18 (8), 1167-1177, 1988 | 162 | 1988 |
An airfoil probe for measuring turbulent velocity fluctuations in water TR Osborn, WR Crawford Air-Sea Interaction: Instruments and Methods, 369-386, 1980 | 160 | 1980 |
Mesoscale eddies dominate surface phytoplankton in northern Gulf of Alaska WR Crawford, PJ Brickley, AC Thomas Progress in Oceanography 75 (2), 287-303, 2007 | 152 | 2007 |
Structure and variability of Langmuir circulation during the surface waves processes program AJ Plueddemann, JA Smith, DM Farmer, RA Weller, WR Crawford, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C2), 3525-3543, 1996 | 141 | 1996 |
Impact of Haida eddies on chlorophyll distribution in the eastern Gulf of Alaska WR Crawford, PJ Brickley, TD Peterson, AC Thomas Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (7-8), 975-989, 2005 | 129 | 2005 |
Estimating diffusivity from the mixed layer heat and salt balances in the N orth P acific MF Cronin, NA Pelland, SR Emerson, WR Crawford Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (11), 7346-7362, 2015 | 123 | 2015 |
Physical characteristics of Haida eddies WR Crawford Journal of Oceanography 58, 703-713, 2002 | 121 | 2002 |
A comparison of length scales and decay times of turbulence in stably stratified flows WR Crawford Journal of physical oceanography 16 (11), 1847-1854, 1986 | 121 | 1986 |
A high‐resolution assimilating tidal model for the northeast Pacific Ocean MGG Foreman, WR Crawford, JY Cherniawsky, RF Henry, MR Tarbotton Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C12), 28629-28651, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
Seasonal stock‐specific migrations of juvenile Sockeye Salmon along the west coast of North America: implications for growth S Tucker, M Trudel, DW Welch, JR Candy, JFT Morris, ME Thiess, ... Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138 (6), 1458-1480, 2009 | 118 | 2009 |
Multi‐year meanders and eddies in the Alaskan Stream as observed by TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter WR Crawford, JY Cherniawsky, MGG Foreman Geophysical Research Letters 27 (7), 1025-1028, 2000 | 115 | 2000 |
A microstructure instrument for profiling oceanic turbulence in coastal bottom boundary layers RK Dewey, WR Crawford, AE Gargett, NS Oakey Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 4 (2), 288-297, 1987 | 107 | 1987 |
The influence of coastal origin eddies on oceanic plankton distributions in the eastern Gulf of Alaska SD Batten, WR Crawford Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (7-8), 991-1009, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
Physical oceanography of the western Canadian continental shelf WR Crawford, RE Thomson Continental Shelf Research 11 (8-10), 669-683, 1991 | 87 | 1991 |