Modernity at large: Cultural dimensions of globalization A Appadurai U of Minnesota Press, 1996 | 46133 | 1996 |
Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy A Appadurai Theory, culture & society 7 (2-3), 295-310, 1990 | 17274 | 1990 |
The social life of things: Commodities in cultural perspective A Appadurai Cambridge University Press, 1988 | 15051 | 1988 |
Commodities and the politics of value A Appadurai Interpreting objects and collections, 76-91, 2012 | 8415 | 2012 |
The capacity to aspire: Culture and the terms of recognition A Appadurai Cultural politics in a global age: Uncertainty, solidarity and innovation, 29, 2007 | 4458 | 2007 |
Grassroots globalization and the research imagination A Appadurai Public culture 12 (1), 1-20, 2000 | 3323 | 2000 |
Global ethnoscapes: Notes and queries for a transnational anthropology A Appadurai | 3319 | 1991 |
Fear of small numbers: An essay on the geography of anger A Appadurai Duke University Press, 2006 | 3310 | 2006 |
The future as cultural fact: Essays on the global condition A Appadurai Rassegna Italiana di sociologia 14 (4), 649-650, 2013 | 3037 | 2013 |
La modernidad desbordada A Appadurai Fondo de cultura económica, 2001 | 2585 | 2001 |
Après le colonialisme A Appadurai Les conséquences culturelles de la globalisation, 29, 2001 | 2326 | 2001 |
Deep democracy: urban governmentality and the horizon of politics A Appadurai Environment and urbanization 13 (2), 23-43, 2001 | 2155 | 2001 |
The production of locality A Appadurai Counterworks, 208-229, 2003 | 2152 | 2003 |
Putting hierarchy in its place A Appadurai Cultural anthropology 3 (1), 36-49, 1988 | 1787 | 1988 |
gastro‐politics in Hindu South Asia A Appadurai American ethnologist 8 (3), 494-511, 1981 | 1571 | 1981 |
Intimate citizenship: Private decisions and public dialogues K Plummer University of Washington Press, 2011 | 1549 | 2011 |
How to make a national cuisine: cookbooks in contemporary India A Appadurai Comparative studies in society and history 30 (1), 3-24, 1988 | 1514 | 1988 |
Modernità in polvere A Appadurai Meltemi Editore srl, 2001 | 1442 | 2001 |
Globalization A Appadurai Duke University Press, 2001 | 1418 | 2001 |
La vida social de las cosas A Appadurai Perspectiva cultural de las mercancías, 1991 | 1021 | 1991 |