An observational overview of solar flares L Fletcher, BR Dennis, HS Hudson, S Krucker, K Phillips, A Veronig, ... Space science reviews 159, 19-106, 2011 | 673 | 2011 |
Propagation of interplanetary coronal mass ejections: The drag-based model B Vršnak, T Žic, D Vrbanec, M Temmer, T Rollett, C Möstl, A Veronig, ... Solar physics 285, 295-315, 2013 | 359 | 2013 |
Temporal aspects and frequency distributions of solar soft X-ray flares A Veronig, M Temmer, A Hanslmeier, W Otruba, M Messerotti Astronomy & Astrophysics 382 (3), 1070-1080, 2002 | 272 | 2002 |
Combined STEREO/RHESSI study of coronal mass ejection acceleration and particle acceleration in solar flares M Temmer, AM Veronig, EP Kontar, S Krucker, B Vršnak The Astrophysical Journal 712 (2), 1410, 2010 | 237 | 2010 |
Acceleration in fast halo CMEs and synchronized flare HXR bursts M Temmer, AM Veronig, B Vršnak, J Rybák, P Gömöry, S Stoiser, ... The Astrophysical Journal 673 (1), L95, 2008 | 235 | 2008 |
Space weather: The solar perspective: An update to Schwenn (2006) M Temmer Living Reviews in Solar Physics 18 (1), 4, 2021 | 230 | 2021 |
First observations of a dome-shaped large-scale coronal extreme-ultraviolet wave AM Veronig, N Muhr, IW Kienreich, M Temmer, B Vršnak The Astrophysical Journal Letters 716 (1), L57, 2010 | 215 | 2010 |
Imaging coronal magnetic-field reconnection in a solar flare Y Su, AM Veronig, GD Holman, BR Dennis, T Wang, M Temmer, W Gan Nature Physics 9 (8), 489-493, 2013 | 212 | 2013 |
Hemispheric sunspot numbers and from 1945–2004: Catalogue and NS asymmetry analysis for solar cycles 18–23 M Temmer, J Rybák, P Bendík, A Veronig, F Vogler, W Otruba, W Pötzi, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 447 (2), 735-743, 2006 | 209 | 2006 |
The interaction of successive coronal mass ejections: a review N Lugaz, M Temmer, Y Wang, CJ Farrugia Solar Physics 292, 1-37, 2017 | 205 | 2017 |
Connecting speeds, directions and arrival times of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU C Möstl, K Amla, JR Hall, PC Liewer, EM De Jong, RC Colaninno, ... The Astrophysical Journal 787 (2), 119, 2014 | 188 | 2014 |
Strong coronal channelling and interplanetary evolution of a solar storm up to Earth and Mars C Möstl, T Rollett, RA Frahm, YD Liu, DM Long, RC Colaninno, MA Reiss, ... Nature Communications 6 (1), 7135, 2015 | 179 | 2015 |
Coronal holes and solar wind high-speed streams: I. Forecasting the solar wind parameters B Vršnak, M Temmer, AM Veronig Solar Physics 240 (2), 315-330, 2007 | 177 | 2007 |
High-cadence observations of a global coronal wave by STEREO EUVI AM Veronig, M Temmer, B Vršnak The Astrophysical Journal 681 (2), L113, 2008 | 176 | 2008 |
Investigation of the Neupert effect in solar flares-I. Statistical properties and the evaporation model A Veronig, B Vršnak, BR Dennis, M Temmer, A Hanslmeier, J Magdalenić Astronomy & Astrophysics 392 (2), 699-712, 2002 | 176 | 2002 |
EUV wave reflection from a coronal hole N Gopalswamy, S Yashiro, M Temmer, J Davila, WT Thompson, S Jones, ... The Astrophysical Journal 691 (2), L123, 2009 | 175 | 2009 |
X-ray sources and magnetic reconnection in the X3. 9 flare of 2003 November 3 AM Veronig, M Karlický, B Vršnak, M Temmer, J Magdalenić, BR Dennis, ... Astronomy & astrophysics 446 (2), 675-690, 2006 | 173 | 2006 |
The deflection of the two interacting coronal mass ejections of 2010 May 23–24 as revealed by combined in situ measurements and heliospheric imaging N Lugaz, CJ Farrugia, JA Davies, C Möstl, CJ Davis, II Roussev, ... The Astrophysical Journal 759 (1), 68, 2012 | 169 | 2012 |
Characteristics of kinematics of a coronal mass ejection during the 2010 August 1 CME–CME interaction event M Temmer, B Vršnak, T Rollett, B Bein, CA de Koning, Y Liu, E Bosman, ... The Astrophysical Journal 749 (1), 57, 2012 | 160 | 2012 |
On the 3-D reconstruction of coronal mass ejections using coronagraph data M Mierla, B Inhester, A Antunes, Y Boursier, JP Byrne, R Colaninno, ... Annales Geophysicae 28 (1), 203-215, 2010 | 153 | 2010 |