Technology futures analysis: Toward integration of the field and new methods A Porter Technological Forecasting and Social Change 71 (3), 287-303, 2004 | 683* | 2004 |
Rationality in decision-and policy-making: implications for strategic environmental assessment L Kørnøv, WAH Thissen Impact assessment and project appraisal 18 (3), 191-200, 2000 | 526 | 2000 |
Actor analysis methods and their use for public policy analysts LM Hermans, WAH Thissen European Journal of Operational Research 196 (2), 808-818, 2009 | 266 | 2009 |
The impact and spin-off of participatory backcasting: From vision to niche J Quist, W Thissen, PJ Vergragt Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (5), 883-897, 2011 | 237 | 2011 |
Public policy analysis WAH Thissen, WE Walker Public Policy Analysis (1st ed.). Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi. org/10 …, 2013 | 170 | 2013 |
Theorising strategic environmental assessment: fresh perspectives and future challenges T Wallington, O Bina, W Thissen Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27 (7), 569-584, 2007 | 149 | 2007 |
A transition research perspective on governance for sustainability D Loorbach, N Frantzeskaki, W Thissen European research on sustainable development: Volume 1: Transformative …, 2011 | 122 | 2011 |
Pilot projects in water management H Vreugdenhil, J Slinger, W Thissen, PK Rault Ecology and Society 15 (3), 2010 | 113 | 2010 |
Introduction to the special section: Infrastructures and transitions D Loorbach, N Frantzeskaki, W Thissen Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77 (8), 1195-1202, 2010 | 109 | 2010 |
River basin management and planning E Mostert, E van Beek, NWM Bouman, E Hey, HHG Savenije, ... Keynote paper for International Workshop on River Basin Management, The …, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
Towards a conceptual structure for evaluating policy analytic activities WAH Thissen, PGJ Twaalfhoven European Journal of Operational Research 129 (3), 627-649, 2001 | 89 | 2001 |
Criteria for evaluation of SEA WAH Thissen Perspectives on strategic environmental assessment, 113-127, 2024 | 72 | 2024 |
Emerging conflict in collaborative mapping: Towards a deeper understanding? LJ Carton, WAH Thissen Journal of Environmental Management 90 (6), 1991-2001, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
An application of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) to risk analysis of multifunctional flood defences in the Netherlands F Anvarifar, MZ Voorendt, C Zevenbergen, W Thissen Reliability Engineering & System Safety 158, 130-141, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |
Dealing with uncertainties in fresh water supply: Experiences in the Netherlands W Thissen, J Kwakkel, M Mens, J van der Sluijs, S Stemberger, ... Water resources management 31, 703-725, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
The Delft process: experiences with a dialogue between policy makers and global modellers CE Van Daalen, WAH Thissen, MM Berk Global Change Scenarios for the 21st Century. Results from the IMAGE2. 1 …, 1998 | 51 | 1998 |
Critical Infrastructures State of the Art in Research and Application: State of the Art in Research and Application WAH Thissen, PM Herder Springer Science & Business Media, 2003 | 49 | 2003 |
Framing flexibility: Theorising and data mining to develop a useful definition of flexibility and related concepts J de Haan, JH Kwakkel, WE Walker, J Spirco, WAH Thissen Futures 43 (9), 923-933, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Strategic environmental assessment at a crossroads WAH Thissen Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 18 (3), 174-176, 2000 | 43 | 2000 |
Capacity building for water management in peri-urban communities, Bangladesh: A simulation-gaming approach SL Gomes, LM Hermans, KF Islam, SN Huda, ATMZ Hossain, ... Water 10 (11), 1704, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |