Brands as signals: A cross-country validation study T Erdem, J Swait, A Valenzuela Journal of marketing 70 (1), 34-49, 2006 | 1510 | 2006 |
Performance of store brands: A cross-country analysis of consumer store-brand preferences, perceptions, and risk T Erdem, Y Zhao, A Valenzuela Journal of Marketing Research 41 (1), 86-100, 2004 | 520 | 2004 |
Contingent response to self-customization procedures: Implications for decision satisfaction and choice A Valenzuela, R Dhar, F Zettelmeyer Journal of marketing research 46 (6), 754-763, 2009 | 220 | 2009 |
Position-based beliefs: The center-stage effect A Valenzuela, P Raghubir Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (2), 185-196, 2009 | 220 | 2009 |
Identifying successful marketing strategies by export regional destination N Lado, E Martínez‐Ros, A Valenzuela International marketing review 21 (6), 573-597, 2004 | 172 | 2004 |
Pleasurable surprises: A cross-cultural study of consumer responses to unexpected incentives A Valenzuela, B Mellers, J Strebel Journal of Consumer Research 36 (5), 792-805, 2010 | 162 | 2010 |
Shelf space schemas: Myth or reality? A Valenzuela, P Raghubir, C Mitakakis Journal of Business Research 66 (7), 881-888, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) contribution type D Hildebrand, Y DeMotta, S Sen, A Valenzuela Journal of Consumer Research 44 (4), 738-758, 2017 | 141 | 2017 |
Center-of-inattention: Position biases in decision-making P Raghubir, A Valenzuela Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 99 (1), 66-80, 2006 | 96 | 2006 |
Good vibrations: Consumer responses to technology-mediated haptic feedback R Hadi, A Valenzuela Journal of Consumer Research 47 (2), 256-271, 2020 | 89 | 2020 |
Are consumers aware of top–bottom but not of left–right inferences? Implications for shelf space positions. A Valenzuela, P Raghubir Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 21 (3), 224, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
A meaningful embrace: Contingent effects of embodied cues of affection R Hadi, A Valenzuela Journal of Consumer Psychology 24 (4), 520-532, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
The role of cultural orientation in bargaining under incomplete information: Differences in causal attributions A Valenzuela, J Srivastava, S Lee Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 96 (1), 72-88, 2005 | 50 | 2005 |
Role of information asymmetry and situational salience in reducing intergroup bias: The case of ultimatum games A Valenzuela, J Srivastava Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (12), 1671-1683, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Center of orientation: Effect of vertical and horizontal shelf space product position A Valenzuela, P Raghubir ACR North American Advances, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
Export marketing strategies for high performance: Evidence from Spanish exporting companies M Gomez, A Valenzuela Journal of Euromarketing 15 (1), 5-28, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
How banner ads affect brand choice without click-through A Mitchell, A Valenzuela Online consumer psychology: Understanding and influencing consumer behavior …, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
The cake looks yummy on the shelf up there: the interactive effect of retail shelf position and consumers’ personal sense of power on indulgent choice A Wongkitrungrueng, A Valenzuela, S Sen Journal of Retailing 94 (3), 280-295, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Global Consumption:(How) Does Culture Matter? CA Russell, A Valenzuela Advances in Consumer Research 32, 86, 2005 | 20 | 2005 |
Male—Female Dynamics in Groups: A Field Study of The Weakest Link P Raghubir, A Valenzuela Small Group Research 41 (1), 41-70, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |