On the union of Jordan regions and collision-free translational motion amidst polygonal obstacles K Kedem, R Livne, J Pach, M Sharir
Discrete & Computational Geometry 1, 59-71, 1986
468 1986 Irreducible modular representations of of a local field L Barthel, R Livné
296 1994 Motivic orthogonal two-dimensional representations of Gal (ℚ/ℚ) R Livné
Israel journal of mathematics 92, 149-156, 1995
128 1995 Local diophantine properties of Shimura curves BW Jordan, RA Livné
Mathematische Annalen 270, 235-248, 1985
126 1985 Modular Representations of GL2 of a Local-Field: The Ordinary, Unramified Case L Barthel, R Livné
Journal of Number Theory 55 (1), 1-27, 1995
120 1995 Locally testable codes with constant rate, distance, and locality I Dinur, S Evra, R Livne, A Lubotzky, S Mozes
Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2022
109 2022 Cubic exponential sums and Galois representations R Livné
Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry (Arcata, Calif., 1985) 67 …, 1987
90 1987 Two letters on quaternions and modular forms (modp ) JP Serre, R Livne
Israel Journal of Mathematics 95, 281-299, 1996
86 1996 On the conductors of mod/Galois representations coming from modular forms R Livné
Journal of Number Theory 31 (2), 133-141, 1989
73 1989 On certain covers of the universal elliptic curve R Livne
PhD thesis, Harvard University, 1981
73 1981 Sommes de Kloosterman et courbes elliptiques universelles en caractéristiques 2 et 3 N Katz, R Livné
CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math 309 (11), 723-726, 1989
63 1989 Integral Hodge theory and congruences between modular forms BW Jordan, R Livné
42 1995 The arithmetic-geometric mean and isogenies for curves of higher genus R Donagi, R Livné
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 28 (2), 323-339, 1999
34 1999 The Ramanujan property for regular cubical complexes BW Jordan, R Livné
29 2000 The average distribution of cubic exponential sums. R Livné
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1987 (375-376), 362-379, 1987
29 1987 Ramanujan local systems on graphs BW Jordan, R Livné
Topology 36 (5), 1007-1024, 1997
26 1997 The modularity of K3 surfaces with non-symplectic group actions R Livné, M Schütt, N Yui
Mathematische Annalen 348 (2), 333-355, 2010
25 2010 Conjecture “Epsilon” for weight BW Jordan, R Livné
24 1989 On the Néron model of Jacobians of Shimura curves BW Jordan, RA Livné
Compositio Mathematica 60 (2), 227-236, 1986
24 1986 On minima of function, intersection patterns of curves, and davenport-schinzel sequences M Sharir, R Livne
26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1985), 312-320, 1985
24 1985