Quantifying demand flexibility of power-to-heat and thermal energy storage in the control of building heating systems C Finck, R Li, R Kramer, W Zeiler Applied Energy 209, 409-425, 2018 | 242 | 2018 |
Drivers of diversity in human thermal perception–A review for holistic comfort models M Schweiker, GM Huebner, BRM Kingma, R Kramer, H Pallubinsky Temperature 5 (4), 308-342, 2018 | 212 | 2018 |
Simplified thermal and hygric building models: A literature review R Kramer, J Van Schijndel, H Schellen Frontiers of architectural research 1 (4), 318-325, 2012 | 208 | 2012 |
A proposed method to assess the damage risk of future climate change to museum objects in historic buildings Z Huijbregts, RP Kramer, MHJ Martens, AWM Van Schijndel, HL Schellen Building and Environment 55, 43-56, 2012 | 194 | 2012 |
Energy conservation in museums using different setpoint strategies: A case study for a state-of-the-art museum using building simulations RP Kramer, MPE Maas, MHJ Martens, AWM Van Schijndel, HL Schellen Applied Energy 158, 446-458, 2015 | 125 | 2015 |
Inverse modeling of simplified hygrothermal building models to predict and characterize indoor climates R Kramer, J van Schijndel, H Schellen Building and Environment 68, 87-99, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Dynamic setpoint control for museum indoor climate conditioning integrating collection and comfort requirements: Development and energy impact for Europe R Kramer, J van Schijndel, H Schellen Building and Environment 118, 14-31, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Impact of ASHRAE’s museum climate classes on energy consumption and indoor climate fluctuations: Full-scale measurements in museum Hermitage Amsterdam RP Kramer, HL Schellen, AWM Van Schijndel Energy and Buildings 130, 286-294, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Contrasting dynamic light scenarios in an operational office: Effects on visual experience, alertness, cognitive performance, and sleep ME Kompier, KCHJ Smolders, RP Kramer, WD van Marken Lichtenbelt, ... Building and Environment 212, 108844, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Intermittent conditioning of library archives: Microclimate analysis and energy impact K Kompatscher, RP Kramer, B Ankersmit, HL Schellen Building and Environment 147, 50-66, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
The effects of a novel personal comfort system on thermal comfort, physiology and perceived indoor environmental quality, and its health implications‐Stimulating human … W Luo, R Kramer, Y de Kort, P Rense, W van Marken Lichtenbelt Indoor Air 32 (1), e12951, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
The influence of a moderate temperature drift on thermal physiology and perception YM Ivanova, H Pallubinsky, R Kramer, W van Marken Lichtenbelt Physiology & behavior 229, 113257, 2021 | 39 | 2021 |
Effectiveness of personal comfort systems on whole-body thermal comfort–a systematic review on which body segments to target W Luo, R Kramer, Y de Kort, W van Marken Lichtenbelt Energy and Buildings 256, 111766, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Development of thermal discernment among visitors: results from a field study in the Hermitage Amsterdam AK Mishra, RP Kramer, M Loomans, HL Schellen Building and Environment 105, 40-49, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Effects of correlated color temperature of light on thermal comfort, thermophysiology and cognitive performance W Luo, R Kramer, M Kompier, K Smolders, Y de Kort, ... Building and Environment 231, 109944, 2023 | 34 | 2023 |
Personal control of correlated color temperature of light: Effects on thermal comfort, visual comfort, and cognitive performance W Luo, R Kramer, M Kompier, K Smolders, Y de Kort, ... Building and Environment 238, 110380, 2023 | 27 | 2023 |
Development and evaluation of a building integrated aquifer thermal storage model B Bozkaya, R Li, T Labeodan, R Kramer, W Zeiler Applied Thermal Engineering 126, 620-629, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Adaptive temperature limits for air-conditioned museums in temperate climates R Kramer, L Schellen, H Schellen Building Research & Information 46 (6), 686-697, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
The importance of integrally simulating the building, HVAC and control systems, and occupants’ impact for energy predictions of buildings including temperature and humidity … RP Kramer, AWM van Schijndel, HL Schellen Journal of building performance simulation 10 (3), 272-293, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Pigment degradation in oil paint induced by indoor climate: comparison of visual and computational backscattered electron images K Keune, RP Kramer, Z Huijbregts, HL Schellen, MHL Stappers, ... Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (2), 448-457, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |