International law and the use of force: beyond the UN Charter paradigm AC Arend, RJ Beck Routledge, 2014 | 692 | 2014 |
Legal rules and international society AC Arend Oxford University Press, 1999 | 430 | 1999 |
International law and the preemptive use of military force AC Arend The Washington Quarterly 26 (2), 89-103, 2003 | 296 | 2003 |
International rules: approaches from international law and international relations RJ Beck, RD Vander Lugt | 155 | 1996 |
Do Legal Rules Matter--International Law and International Politics AC Arend Va. J. Int'l L. 38, 107, 1997 | 154 | 1997 |
Don't Tread on Us: International Law and Forcible State Responses to Terrorism RJ Beck, AC Arend Wis. Int'l LJ 12, 153, 1993 | 132 | 1993 |
International law and the recourse to force: a shift in paradigms AC Arend Stan. J. Int'l L. 27, 1, 1990 | 87 | 1990 |
The United Nations and the new world order AC Arend Geo. LJ 81, 491, 1992 | 75 | 1992 |
The Falklands War: lessons for strategy, diplomacy, and international law AR Coll, AC Arend Routledge, 2021 | 70 | 2021 |
Toward an understanding of international legal rules AC Arend International Rules: Approaches from international law and international …, 1996 | 56 | 1996 |
Congress goes to court: The past, present, and future of legislator standing AC Arend, CB Lotrionte Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y 25, 209, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
Why states follow the rules: toward a positional theory of adherence to international legal regimes SE Kreps, AC Arend Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 16, 331, 2006 | 50 | 2006 |
International law and rogue states: the failure of the Charter framework AC Arend New Eng. L. Rev. 36, 735, 2001 | 42 | 2001 |
Anticipatory humanitarian intervention: an emerging legal norm CC Joyner, AC Arend USAF Acad. J. Legal Stud. 10, 27, 1999 | 39 | 1999 |
The United Nations, regional organizations, and military operations: the past and the present AC Arend Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 7, 3, 1996 | 38 | 1996 |
Who's Afraid of the Geneva Conventions? Treaty Interpretation in the Wake of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld AC Arend Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 22, 709, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
Archaeological and historical objects: the international legal implications of UNCLOS III AC Arend Va. J. Int'l L. 22, 777, 1981 | 26 | 1981 |
Human dignity and the future of global institutions JJ DeGioia Georgetown University Press, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Pursuing a just and durable peace: John Foster Dulles and international organization AC Arend (No Title), 1988 | 21 | 1988 |
The obligation to pursue peaceful settlement of international disputes during hostilities AC Arend Va. J. Int'l L. 24, 97, 1983 | 19 | 1983 |