Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number A Pawlik, J Kozik, T Krawczyk, M Lasoń, P Micek, WT Trotter, B Walczak
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 105, 6-10, 2014
118 2014 Extending partial representations of function graphs and permutation graphs P Klavík, J Kratochvíl, T Krawczyk, B Walczak
Algorithms–ESA 2012: 20th Annual European Symposium, Ljubljana, Slovenia …, 2012
47 2012 Triangle-free geometric intersection graphs with large chromatic number A Pawlik, J Kozik, T Krawczyk, M Lasoń, P Micek, WT Trotter, B Walczak
Discrete & Computational Geometry 50 (3), 714-726, 2013
44 2013 On-line chain partitions of orders: a survey B Bosek, S Felsner, K Kloch, T Krawczyk, G Matecki, P Micek
Order 29, 49-73, 2012
37 2012 First-fit algorithm for the on-line chain partitioning problem B Bosek, T Krawczyk, E Szczypka
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (4), 1992-1999, 2010
24 2010 The partial visibility representation extension problem S Chaplick, G Guśpiel, G Gutowski, T Krawczyk, G Liotta
Algorithmica 80, 2286-2323, 2018
23 2018 Coloring Triangle-Free Rectangle Overlap Graphs with Colors T Krawczyk, A Pawlik, B Walczak
Discrete & Computational Geometry 53, 199-220, 2015
22 2015 The sub-exponential upper bound for on-line chain partitioning B Bosek, T Krawczyk
2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 347-354, 2010
21 * 2010 Extending partial representations of trapezoid graphs T Krawczyk, B Walczak
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 358-371, 2017
19 2017 On-line approach to off-line coloring problems on graphs with geometric representations T Krawczyk, B Walczak
Combinatorica 37 (6), 1139-1179, 2017
18 2017 Vertex deletion into bipartite permutation graphs Ł Bożyk, J Derbisz, T Krawczyk, J Novotná, K Okrasa
Algorithmica 84 (8), 2271-2291, 2022
12 2022 On-line dimension for posets excluding two long incomparable chains S Felsner, T Krawczyk, WT Trotter
Order 30, 1-12, 2013
11 2013 An easy subexponential bound for online chain partitioning B Bosek, HA Kierstead, T Krawczyk, G Matecki, ME Smith
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.3247, 2014
10 2014 Grounded L-Graphs Are Polynomially -Bounded J Davies, T Krawczyk, R McCarty, B Walczak
Discrete & Computational Geometry 70 (4), 1523-1550, 2023
9 2023 Testing isomorphism of circular-arc graphs--Hsu's approach revisited T Krawczyk
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04501, 2019
9 2019 Asymmetric coloring games on incomparability graphs T Krawczyk, B Walczak
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 49, 803-811, 2015
9 2015 Defective 3-paintability of planar graphs G Gutowski, M Han, T Krawczyk, X Zhu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.01599, 2017
8 2017 Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number. submitted A Pawlik, J Kozik, T Krawczyk, M Lasoń, P Micek, WT Trotter, B Walczak
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.1595, 0
7 On-line partitioning of width w posets into wo (loglogw) chains B Bosek, T Krawczyk
European Journal of Combinatorics 91, 103202, 2021
6 2021 Coloring polygon visibility graphs and their generalizations J Davies, T Krawczyk, R McCarty, B Walczak
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 161, 268-300, 2023
5 2023