A study on the numerical prediction of propellers cavitating tip vortex S Gaggero, G Tani, M Viviani, F Conti Ocean engineering 92, 137-161, 2014 | 139 | 2014 |
CPP propeller cavitation and noise optimization at different pitches with panel code and validation by cavitation tunnel measurements D Bertetta, S Brizzolara, S Gaggero, M Viviani, L Savio Ocean engineering 53, 177-195, 2012 | 117 | 2012 |
An extensive analysis of numerical ship self-propulsion prediction via a coupled BEM/RANS approach S Gaggero, D Villa, M Viviani Applied Ocean Research 66, 55-78, 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
Analysis of twin screw ships' asymmetric propeller behaviour by means of free running model tests A Coraddu, G Dubbioso, S Mauro, M Viviani Ocean Engineering 68, 47-64, 2013 | 87 | 2013 |
Design of ducted propeller nozzles through a RANSE-based optimization approach S Gaggero, D Villa, G Tani, M Viviani, D Bertetta Ocean Engineering 145, 444-463, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Efficient and multi-objective cavitating propeller optimization: An application to a high-speed craft S Gaggero, G Tani, D Villa, M Viviani, P Ausonio, P Travi, G Bizzarri, ... Applied Ocean Research 64, 31-57, 2017 | 72 | 2017 |
EFD and CFD characterization of a CLT propeller D Bertetta, S Brizzolara, E Canepa, S Gaggero, M Viviani International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2012 (1), 348939, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks S Brizzolara, L Savio, M Viviani, Y Chen, P Temarel, N Couty, S Hoflack, ... Ships and offshore structures 6 (1-2), 15-43, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
Numerical modelling of propulsion, control and ship motions in 6 degrees of freedom M Martelli, M Viviani, M Altosole, M Figari, S Vignolo Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Analysis of the asymmetric behavior of propeller–rudder system of twin screw ships by CFD R Muscari, G Dubbioso, M Viviani, A Di Mascio Ocean Engineering 143, 269-281, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Comparison of experimental and numerical loads on an impacting bow section S Brizzolara, N Couty, O Hermundstad, A Ioan, T Kukkanen, M Viviani, ... Ships and offshore structures 3 (4), 305-324, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
Propeller underwater radiated noise: A comparison between model scale measurements in two different facilities and full scale measurements G Tani, M Viviani, J Hallander, T Johansson, E Rizzuto Applied Ocean Research 56, 48-66, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Performance of a family of surface piercing propellers M Ferrando, S Crotti, M Viviani Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Marine Research and …, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Predicting the cavitating marine propeller noise at design stage: A deep learning based approach L Miglianti, F Cipollini, L Oneto, G Tani, S Gaggero, A Coraddu, M Viviani Ocean Engineering 209, 107481, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Analysis of asymmetrical shaft power increase during tight manoeuvres M Viviani, C Podenzana Bonvino, S Mauro, M Cerruti, D Guadalupi, ... 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST2007), Shanghai …, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
An Investigation on the discrepancies between RANSE and BEM approaches for the prediction of marine propeller unsteady performances in strongly non-homogeneous wakes S Gaggero, D Villa, M Viviani International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45400 …, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
EFD and CFD design and analysis of a propeller in decelerating duct S Gaggero, CM Rizzo, G Tani, M Viviani International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2012 (1), 823831, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
SWAMP, an Autonomous Surface Vehicle expressly designed for extremely shallow waters A Odetti, G Bruzzone, M Altosole, M Viviani, M Caccia Ocean Engineering 216, 108205, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Noise measurements of a cavitating propeller in different facilities: Results of the round robin test programme G Tani, M Viviani, M Felli, FH Lafeber, T Lloyd, B Aktas, M Atlar, ... Ocean Engineering 213, 107599, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Design and validation of dynamic positioning for marine systems: A case study S Donnarumma, M Figari, M Martelli, S Vignolo, M Viviani IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 43 (3), 677-688, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |