Does plant diversity benefit agroecosystems? A synthetic review DK Letourneau, I Armbrecht, BS Rivera, J Montoya-Lerma, EJ Carmona, ... Ecological applications 21 (1), 9-21, 2011 | 1081 | 2011 |
International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery JA Harvey, R Heinen, I Armbrecht, Y Basset, JH Baxter-Gilbert, ... Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (2), 174-176, 2020 | 263 | 2020 |
Leaf-cutting ants revisited: Towards rational management and control J Montoya-Lerma, C Giraldo-Echeverri, I Armbrecht, A Farji-Brener, ... International Journal of Pest Management 58 (3), 225-247, 2012 | 202 | 2012 |
Lutzomyia evansi, an [alternative] vector of Leishmania chagasi in a Colombian focus of visceral leishmaniasis. BL Travi, ID Vélez, L Brutus, I Segura, C Jaramillo, J Montoya | 189 | 1990 |
Malaria vector species in Colombia: a review J Montoya-Lerma, YA Solarte, GI Giraldo-Calderón, ML Quiñones, ... Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 106, 223-238, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Bionomics of Lutzomyia evansi (Diptera: Psychodidae) Vector of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Northern Colombia BL Travi, J Montoya, J Gallego, C Jaramillo, R Llano, ID Velez Journal of Medical Entomology 33 (3), 278-285, 1996 | 127 | 1996 |
Canine visceral leishmaniasis: dog infectivity to sand flies from non-endemic areas BL Travi, C Ferro, H Cadena, J Montoya-Lerma, GH Adler Research in veterinary science 72 (1), 83-86, 2002 | 116 | 2002 |
Impact of habitat degradation on phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) of tropical dry forests in Northern Colombia BL Travi, GH Adler, M Lozano, H Cadena, J Montoya-Lerma Journal of Medical Entomology 39 (3), 451-456, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |
Molecular identification of vectors of Leishmania in Colombia: mitochondrial introgression in the Lutzomyia townsendi series JM Testa, J Montoya-Lerma, H Cadena, M Oviedo, PD Ready Acta tropica 84 (3), 205-218, 2002 | 100 | 2002 |
Structure and composition of the white grub complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae*) in agroecological systems of northern Cauca, Colombia LC Pardo-Locarno, J Montoya-Lerma, AC Bellotti, A Van Schoonhoven Florida Entomologist 88 (4), 355-363, 2005 | 99 | 2005 |
Leishmaniasis in Colombia. I. Studies on the phlebotomine fauna associated with endemic foci in the Pacific Coast region. BL Travi, J Montoya, Y Solarte, L Lozano, C Jaramillo The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 39 (3), 261-266, 1988 | 98 | 1988 |
Investigation of the Bacterial Communities Associated with Females of Lutzomyia Sand Fly Species from South America MRV Sant’Anna, AC Darby, RP Brazil, J Montoya-Lerma, VM Dillon, ... Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42531, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
Comparative vectorial efficiency of Lutzomyia evansi and Lu. longipalpis for transmitting Leishmania chagasi J Montoya-Lerma, H Cadena, M Oviedo, PD Ready, R Barazarte, BL Travi, ... Acta Tropica 85 (1), 19-29, 2003 | 85 | 2003 |
Leishmaniasis vector potential of Lutzomyia spp. in Colombian coffee plantations A WARBURG, J MONTOYA‐LERMA, C JARAMILLO, ANAL CRUZ‐RUIZ, ... Medical and Veterinary Entomology 5 (1), 9-16, 1991 | 70 | 1991 |
Adaptation of Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) to cassava, Manihot esculenta (Crantz) A Carabali, AC Bellotti, J Montoya-Lerma, ME Cuellar Crop Protection 24 (7), 643-649, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |
Toxicity of foliage extracts of Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae) on Atta cephalotes (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) workers K Castaño-Quintana, J Montoya-Lerma, C Giraldo-Echeverri Industrial Crops and Products 44, 391-395, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Sublethal effects of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera … E Torrado-León, J Montoya-Lerma, E Valencia-Pizo Mycopathologia 162, 411-419, 2006 | 64 | 2006 |
Land sharing vs. land sparing in the dry Caribbean lowlands: A dung beetles’ perspective S Montoya-Molina, C Giraldo-Echeverri, J Montoya-Lerma, J Chará, ... Applied Soil Ecology 98, 204-212, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Hongos formadores de micorrizas arbusculares y su efecto sobre la estructura de los suelos en fincas con manejos agroecológicos e intensivos JDL Sánchez, I Armbrecht, J Montoya-Lerma Acta Agronómica 64 (4), 289-296, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Report of an epidemic outbreak of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a coffee-growing area of Colombia J Montoya, C Jaramillo, G Palma, T Gomez, I Segura, B Travi Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 85, 119-121, 1990 | 54 | 1990 |