quantum field theories and their BPS quiversM Alim, S Cecotti, C Córdova, S Espahbodi, A Rastogi, C Vafa
237 2014 BPS Quivers and Spectra of Complete N= 2 Quantum Field Theories M Alim, S Cecotti, C Cordova, S Espahbodi, A Rastogi, C Vafa
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1109.4941, 2011
206 2011 Polynomial structure of the (open) topological string partition function M Alim, JD Länge
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (10), 045, 2007
94 2007 Hints for off-shell mirror symmetry in type II/F-theory compactifications M Alim, M Hecht, H Jockers, P Mayr, A Mertens, M Soroush
Nuclear Physics B 841 (3), 303-338, 2010
85 2010 Special polynomial rings, quasi modular forms and duality of topological strings M Alim, E Scheidegger, ST Yau, J Zhou
75 2014 Mirror symmetry for toric branes on compact hypersurfaces M Alim, M Hecht, P Mayr, A Mertens
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (09), 126, 2009
63 2009 Topological strings on elliptic fibrations M Alim, E Scheidegger
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.1784, 2012
56 2012 Wall-crossing holomorphic anomaly and mock modularity of multiple M5-branes M Alim, B Haghighat, M Hecht, A Klemm, M Rauch, T Wotschke
Communications in Mathematical Physics 339, 773-814, 2015
54 2015 Global properties of topological string amplitudes and orbifold invariants M Alim, J Dominique Länge, P Mayr
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (3), 1-30, 2010
40 2010 The weak gravity conjecture and BPS particles M Alim, B Heidenreich, T Rudelius
Fortschritte der Physik 69 (11-12), 2100125, 2021
39 2021 Type II/F-theory superpotentials with several deformations and mirror symmetry M Alim, M Hecht, H Jockers, P Mayr, A Mertens, M Soroush
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (6), 1-61, 2011
39 2011 Lectures on mirror symmetry and topological string theory M Alim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0496, 2012
37 2012 Mathematical structures of non-perturbative topological string theory: from GW to DT invariants M Alim, A Saha, J Teschner, I Tulli
Communications in Mathematical Physics 399 (2), 1039-1101, 2023
35 2023 Gauss–Manin connection in disguise: Calabi–Yau threefolds M Alim, H Movasati, E Scheidegger, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 344, 889-914, 2016
27 2016 Quantum curves, resurgence and exact WKB M Alim, L Hollands, I Tulli
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 19, 009, 2023
25 2023 Airy equation for the topological string partition function in a scaling limit M Alim, ST Yau, J Zhou
Letters in Mathematical Physics 106, 719-729, 2016
15 2016 Flat connections in open string mirror symmetry M Alim, M Hecht, H Jockers, P Mayr, A Mertens, M Soroush
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (6), 1-38, 2012
14 2012 Intrinsic non-perturbative topological strings M Alim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07776, 2021
13 2021 Algebraic Structure of tt * Equations for Calabi-Yau Sigma Models M Alim
Communications in Mathematical Physics 353, 963-1009, 2017
13 2017 Difference equation for the Gromov-Witten potential of the resolved conifold M Alim
Journal of Geometry and Physics 183, 104688, 2023
11 2023