Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Zhenkun SunWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 32
New insight into the synthesis of large-pore ordered mesoporous materials
J Wei, Z Sun, W Luo, Y Li, AA Elzatahry, AM Al-Enizi, Y Deng, D Zhao
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (5), 1706-1713, 2017
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Review on the development of sorbents for calcium looping
J Chen, L Duan, Z Sun
Energy & Fuels 34 (7), 7806-7836, 2020
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Designed fabrication and characterization of three-dimensionally ordered arrays of core–shell magnetic mesoporous carbon microspheres
K Yuan, R Che, Q Cao, Z Sun, Q Yue, Y Deng
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (9), 5312-5319, 2015
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ordered mesoporous alumina with ultra-large pores as an efficient absorbent for selective bioenrichment
J Wei, Y Ren, W Luo, Z Sun, X Cheng, Y Li, Y Deng, AA Elzatahry, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (5), 2211-2217, 2017
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interfacial engineering of magnetic particles with porous shells: towards magnetic core–porous shell microparticles
Z Sun, X Zhou, W Luo, Q Yue, Y Zhang, X Cheng, W Li, B Kong, Y Deng, ...
Nano Today 11 (4), 464-482, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Microemulsion-derived, nanostructured CaO/CuO composites with controllable particle grain size to enhance cyclic CO2 capture performance for combined Ca/Cu looping process
J Chen, T Shi, L Duan, Z Sun, EJ Anthony
Chemical Engineering Journal 393, 124716, 2020
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Catalysts of Ordered Mesoporous Alumina with a Large Pore Size for Low-Temperature Hydrolysis of Carbonyl Sulfide
H Jin, Z An, Q Li, Y Duan, Z Zhou, Z Sun, L Duan
Energy & Fuels 35 (10), 8895-8908, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chemical looping co-conversion of CH4 and CO2 using Fe2O3/Al2O3 pellets as both oxygen carrier and catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor
Z Zhou, G Deng, L Li, X Liu, Z Sun, L Duan
Chemical Engineering Journal 428, 132133, 2022
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of a char particle in the fluidized bed combustor
L Li, L Duan, Z Yang, Z Sun, C Zhao
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 5485-5492, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ilmenite oxidation kinetics for pressurized chemical looping combustion of natural gas
S Rana, Z Sun, P Mehrani, R Hughes, A Macchi
Applied Energy 238, 747-759, 2019
Upoważnienia: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized CuO–CeO2 composite for catalytic combustion of C3H6
Y Lu, L Duan, Z Sun, J Chen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6513-6520, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chemical looping: A flexible platform technology for CH4 conversion coupled with CO2 utilization
Z Zhou, Z Sun, L Duan
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 39, 100721, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Multi-core@ Shell catalyst derived from LDH@ SiO2 for low-temperature dry reforming of methane
Z Bian, S Deng, Z Sun, T Ge, B Jiang, W Zhong
Renewable Energy 200, 1362-1370, 2022
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Performance improvement for aluminum-air battery by using alloying anodes prepared from commercially pure aluminum
R Zhao, P He, F Yu, J Yang, Z Sun, W Hu
Journal of Energy Storage 73, 108985, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Experimental study on the combustion behavior and NOx emission during the co-combustion of combustible industrial solid wastes
H Xu, L Li, W Tang, Z Sun, Y Chen, G Sun, Q Gu, L Duan
Journal of the Energy Institute 106, 101150, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Particulate matter formation during shoe manufacturing waste combustion in a full-scale CFB boiler
Z Zhou, X Qiu, Y Wang, Y Duan, L Li, H Lin, Y Luo, Z Sun, L Duan
Fuel Processing Technology 221, 106914, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recent progress and challenges in heterogeneous CO2 catalytic activation
J Chen, H Tang, Z Sun, L Duan
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 39, 100720, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Induction heating enables efficient heterogeneous catalytic reactions over superparamagnetic nanocatalysts
C Huang, Y Wang, R Zhong, Z Sun, Y Deng, L Duan
Chinese Chemical Letters 34 (9), 108101, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Improved fuel conversion through oxygen carrier aided combustion during incineration of biomass-based solid waste in a rotary kiln
X Liu, L Duan, Y Duan, L Li, Z Sun, G Sun
Fuel 331, 125714, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ash deposition mechanism of shoe manufacturing waste combustion in a full-scale CFB boiler
Y Wang, X Qiu, Z Zhou, Y Duan, L Li, J Dai, H Lin, Y Luo, Z Sun, L Duan
Fuel Processing Technology 221, 106948, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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