Stress in highly demanding IT jobs: Transformational leadership moderates the impact of time pressure on exhaustion and work–life balance. CJ Syrek, E Apostel, CH Antoni Journal of occupational health psychology 18 (3), 252, 2013 | 343 | 2013 |
Enhancing daily well-being at work through lunchtime park walks and relaxation exercises: Recovery experiences as mediators. M Sianoja, CJ Syrek, J de Bloom, K Korpela, U Kinnunen Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (3), 428, 2018 | 247 | 2018 |
Zeigarnik’s sleepless nights: how unfinished tasks at the end of the week impair employee sleep on the weekend through rumination. CJ Syrek, O Weigelt, C Peifer, CH Antoni Journal of occupational health psychology 22 (2), 225, 2017 | 240 | 2017 |
Unfinished tasks foster rumination and impair sleeping—Particularly if leaders have high performance expectations. CJ Syrek, CH Antoni Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 19 (4), 490, 2014 | 194 | 2014 |
Share, like, twitter, and connect: Ecological momentary assessment to examine the relationship between non-work social media use at work and work engagement CJ Syrek, J Kühnel, T Vahle-Hinz, J De Bloom Work & Stress 32 (3), 209-227, 2018 | 159 | 2018 |
Entwicklung und validierung der trierer kurzskala zur messung von work-life balance (TKS-WLB) C Syrek, C Bauer-Emmel, C Antoni, J Klusemann Diagnostica, 2011 | 157 | 2011 |
Turnover intention as a response to illegitimate tasks: The moderating role of appreciative leadership. E Apostel, CJ Syrek, CH Antoni International Journal of Stress Management 25 (3), 234, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
Being an accountant, cook, entertainer and teacher—all at the same time: Changes in employees' work and work‐related well‐being during the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic C Syrek, J Kühnel, T Vahle‐Hinz, J De Bloom International Journal of Psychology 57 (1), 20-32, 2022 | 147 | 2022 |
My mind is working overtime—towards an integrative perspective of psychological detachment, work-related rumination, and work reflection O Weigelt, P Gierer, CJ Syrek International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (16), 2987, 2019 | 112 | 2019 |
Why don’t you go to bed on time? A daily diary study on the relationships between chronotype, self-control resources and the phenomenon of bedtime procrastination J Kühnel, CJ Syrek, A Dreher Frontiers in psychology 9, 305429, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |
Digitalisierung der Arbeit: Konsequenzen für Führung und Zusammenarbeit. CH Antoni, C Syrek Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Staying in touch while at work: Relationships between personal social media use at work and work-nonwork balance and creativity J Kühnel, T Vahle-Hinz, J de Bloom, CJ Syrek The International Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (10), 1235-1261, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
Finding peace of mind when there still is so much left undone—A diary study on how job stress, competence need satisfaction, and proactive work behavior contribute to work … O Weigelt, CJ Syrek, A Schmitt, T Urbach Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 24 (3), 373, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
Thieves of flow: How unfinished tasks at work are related to flow experience and wellbeing C Peifer, C Syrek, V Ostwald, E Schuh, CH Antoni Journal of Happiness Studies 21, 1641-1660, 2020 | 74 | 2020 |
Need satisfaction and optimal functioning at leisure and work: A longitudinal validation study of the DRAMMA model M Kujanpää, C Syrek, D Lehr, U Kinnunen, JA Reins, J De Bloom Journal of Happiness Studies 22, 681-707, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |
All I want for Christmas is recovery–changes in employee affective well-being before and after vacation CJ Syrek, O Weigelt, J Kühnel, J de Bloom Work & Stress 32 (4), 313-333, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Ovsiankina’s great relief: How supplemental work during the weekend may contribute to recovery in the face of unfinished tasks O Weigelt, CJ Syrek International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (12), 1606, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Always on, never done? How the mind recovers after a stressful workday? J Wendsche, J De Bloom, C Syrek, T Vahle-Hinz German Journal of Human Resource Management 35 (2), 117-151, 2021 | 40 | 2021 |
Psychological contract fulfillment and employee responses to pay system change CJ Syrek, CH Antoni Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Needs-based off-job crafting across different life domains and contexts: Testing a novel conceptual and measurement approach M Kujanpää, C Syrek, L Tay, U Kinnunen, A Mäkikangas, A Shimazu, ... Frontiers in Psychology 13, 959296, 2022 | 26 | 2022 |