Michael Sumner
Michael Sumner
Integrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
Zweryfikowany adres z utas.edu.au - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
rgdal: Bindings for the geospatial data abstraction library
R Bivand, T Keitt, B Rowlingson, E Pebesma, M Sumner, R Hijmans
R package version 1 (3), 2019
Package ‘raster’
RJ Hijmans, J Van Etten, J Cheng, M Mattiuzzi, M Sumner, JA Greenberg, ...
R package 734, 473, 2015
Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: how changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota
AJ Constable, J Melbourne‐Thomas, SP Corney, KR Arrigo, C Barbraud, ...
Global change biology 20 (10), 3004-3025, 2014
raster: Geographic data analysis and modeling. R package version 2.1-49
RJ Hijmans, J Van Etten
See http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= raster, 2013
raster: geographic data analysis and modeling. 2020
RJ Hijmans, J van Etten, M Sumner, J Cheng, D Baston, A Bevan, ...
R package version, 2.1-49, 2020
Loyalty pays: potential life history consequences of fidelity to marine foraging regions by southern elephant seals
CJA Bradshaw, MA Hindell, MD Sumner, KJ Michael
Animal Behaviour 68 (6), 1349-1360, 2004
sf: Simple Features for R
E Pebesma, R Bivand, E Racine, M Sumner, I Cook, T Keitt, R Lovelace, ...
R package version 0.6 1, 2018
Bayesian estimation of animal movement from archival and satellite tags
MD Sumner, SJ Wotherspoon, MA Hindell
PLoS One 4 (10), e7324, 2009
sp: Classes and methods for spatial data
E Pebesma, R Bivand, B Rowlingson, V Gomez-Rubio, R Hijmans, ...
R package version 1 (1), 2018
Light‐level geolocator analyses: A user's guide
S Lisovski, S Bauer, M Briedis, SC Davidson, KL Dhanjal‐Adams, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), 221-236, 2020
terra: Spatial Data Analysis. R package version 1.5-21
RJ Hijmans
rgdal: bindings for the geospatial data abstraction library 2017
R Bivand, T Keitt, B Rowlingson, E Pebesma, M Sumner, R Hijmans
URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= rgdal. R package version 1, 2018
Resource partitioning through oceanic segregation of foraging juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
IC Field, CJA Bradshaw, HR Burton, MD Sumner, MA Hindell
Oecologia 142, 127-135, 2005
Package ‘rgdal’
R Bivand, T Keitt, B Rowlingson, E Pebesma, M Sumner, R Hijmans, ...
Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. Available online …, 2015
Dispersal of female southern elephant seals and their prey consumption during the austral summer: relevance to management and oceanographic zones
MA Hindell, CJA Bradshaw, MD Sumner, KJ Michael, HR Burton
Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (4), 703-715, 2003
How many seabirds do we need to track to define home‐range area?
LM Soanes, JPY Arnould, SG Dodd, MD Sumner, JA Green
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (3), 671-679, 2013
Package ‘terra’
RJ Hijmans, R Bivand, K Forner, J Ooms, E Pebesma, MD Sumner
Maintainer: Vienna, Austria 384, 2022
raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling version 2.5-8
RJ Hijmans, J van Etten, J Cheng, M Mattiuzzi, M Sumner, JA Greenberg, ...
R package, 2016
terra: Spatial data analysis. R package version 1.6-7
RJ Hijmans, R Bivand, E Pebesma, M Sumner
Computer software]. https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= terra, 2022
The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill
B Meyer, U Freier, V Grimm, J Groeneveld, BPV Hunt, S Kerwath, R King, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (12), 1853-1861, 2017
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