Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Simone KauffeldWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 16
Burnout and career (un) sustainability: Looking into the Blackbox of burnout triggered career turnover intentions
L Barthauer, P Kaucher, D Spurk, S Kauffeld
Journal of vocational behavior 117, 103334, 2020
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Meetings as networks: Applying social network analysis to team interaction
NC Sauer, S Kauffeld
Communication Methods and Measures 7 (1), 26-47, 2013
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Media, mood, and meetings: Related to project success?
K Schneider, O Liskin, H Paulsen, S Kauffeld
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 15 (4), 1-33, 2015
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Teams, time, and technology: Variations of media use over project phases
L Handke, EM Schulte, K Schneider, S Kauffeld
Small Group Research 50 (2), 266-305, 2019
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Why does psychological capital foster subjective and objective career success? The mediating role of career-specific resources
S Kauffeld, D Spurk
Journal of Career Assessment 30 (2), 285-308, 2022
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Language matters: The double-edged role of linguistic style matching in work groups
K Heuer, LC Müller-Frommeyer, S Kauffeld
Small Group Research 51 (2), 208-228, 2020
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Effects of media compensation on team performance: The role of demographic faultlines
J Straube, AL Meinecke, K Schneider, S Kauffeld
Small Group Research 49 (6), 684-722, 2018
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Laufbahnberatung für SchülerInnen und Studierende
S Jordan, S Kauffeld
Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement, 85-108, 2018
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Capturing non-linear temporally embedded processes in organizations using recurrence quantification analysis
AL Meinecke, L Handke, LC Mueller-Frommeyer, S Kauffeld
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 29 (4), 483-500, 2020
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Wissensorganisation in teilautonomen Arbeitsgruppen
A Henschel, S Kauffeld, A Neininger
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2011
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
The impact of influential others on student teachers’ dropout intention–a network analytical study
S Powazny, S Kauffeld
European Journal of Teacher Education 44 (4), 520-537, 2021
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
The role of gender in the evolution of peer networks: Individual differences in relation to the Big Five
S Powazny, S Kauffeld
Personality and Individual Differences 170, 110447, 2021
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Capturing the temporal dynamics of language style matching in groups and teams
LC Müller-Frommeyer, S Kauffeld
Small Group Research 53 (4), 503-531, 2022
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Brokers Compensate for Leader–Member Exchange Differentiation
V Eichenseer, EM Schulte, D Spurk, S Kauffeld
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2021
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
How peers’ informedness contributes to students’ person-environment fit
S Powazny, V Zorn, S Kauffeld
European Journal of Higher Education 13 (3), 367-386, 2023
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
C Bargmann, B Wittner, S Kauffeld
INTED2018 Proceedings, 5549-5558, 2018
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 50
Effects of team and organizational commitment–A longitudinal study
A Neininger, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, S Kauffeld, A Henschel
Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 (3), 567-579, 2010
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
How transformational leadership works during team interactions: A behavioral process analysis
N Lehmann-Willenbrock, AL Meinecke, J Rowold, S Kauffeld
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (6), 1017-1033, 2015
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Social support at the workplace, motivation to transfer and training transfer: A multilevel indirect effects model
AC Massenberg, D Spurk, S Kauffeld
International Journal of Training and Development 19 (3), 161-178, 2015
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
Verbal interaction sequences and group mood: Exploring the role of team planning communication
N Lehmann-Willenbrock, RA Meyers, S Kauffeld, A Neininger, A Henschel
Small Group Research 42 (6), 639-668, 2011
Upoważnienia: German Research Foundation
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