Michael Rudolf
Michael Rudolf
Post-Doc, TU Darmstadt
Zweryfikowany adres z geo.tu-darmstadt.de - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Rheological benchmark of silicone oils used for analog modeling of short-and long-term lithospheric deformation
M Rudolf, D Boutelier, M Rosenau, G Schreurs, O Oncken
Tectonophysics 684, 12-22, 2016
Impact cratering experiments into quartzite, sandstone and tuff: The effects of projectile size and target properties on spallation
MH Poelchau, T Kenkmann, T Hoerth, F Schäfer, M Rudolf, K Thoma
Icarus 242, 211-224, 2014
Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, S Buiter, O Ferrer, R Reitano, M Rudolf, ...
Solid Earth Discussions 2022, 1-84, 2022
Synchronization of great subduction megathrust earthquakes: Insights from scale model analysis
M Rosenau, I Horenko, F Corbi, M Rudolf, R Kornhuber, O Oncken
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (4), 3646-3661, 2019
Influence of zones of pre‐existing crustal weakness on strain localization and partitioning during rifting: Insights from analog modeling using high‐resolution 3D digital image …
EE Osagiede, M Rosenau, A Rotevatn, R Gawthorpe, CAL Jackson, ...
Tectonics 40 (10), e2021TC006970, 2021
Mechanical properties of quartz sand and gypsum powder (plaster) mixtures: Implications for laboratory model analogues for the Earth's upper crust
S Poppe, EP Holohan, M Rudolf, M Rosenau, O Galland, A Delcamp, ...
Tectonophysics 814, 228976, 2021
Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives, Solid Earth, 13, 1859–1905
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, SJH Buiter, O Ferrer, R Reitano, M Rudolf, ...
Runout of rock avalanches limited by basal friction but controlled by fragmentation
ØT Haug, M Rosenau, M Rudolf, K Leever, O Oncken
Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (3), 665-672, 2021
RST Evaluation-Scripts for analysing shear experiments from the Schulze RST. pc01 ring shear tester
M Rudolf, M Warsitzka
GFZ Data Services, 2021
On the relationship between offshore geodetic coverage and slip model uncertainty: Analog megathrust earthquake case studies
E Kosari, M Rosenau, J Bedford, M Rudolf, O Oncken
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (15), e2020GL088266, 2020
Smart speed imaging in digital image correlation: Application to seismotectonic scale modeling
M Rudolf, M Rosenau, T Ziegenhagen, V Ludwikowski, T Schucht, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 248, 2019
Ring-shear test data of feldspar sand FS900S used in the Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the University of Bern (Switzerland)
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, M Rudolf, M Rosenau
GFZ Data Services, 2022
Supplement to: Rheological benchmark of silicone oils used for analog modeling of short-and long-term lithospheric deformation
M Rudolf, D Boutelier, M Rosenau, G Schreurs, O Oncken
GFZ Data Services, 2016
Shape of plutons in crustal shear zones: A tectono-magmatic guide based on analogue models
M Michail, M Rudolf, M Rosenau, A Riva, P Gianolla, M Coltorti
Journal of Structural Geology 150, 104417, 2021
Ring shear test data of glass beads 300–400µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for …
A Pohlenz, M Rudolf, H Kemnitz, M Rosenau
GFZ Data Services [data set] 10, 2020
Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives, Solid Earth Discuss
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, S Buiter, O Ferrer, R Reitano, M Rudolf, ...
Creep on seismogenic faults: Insights from analogue earthquake experiments
M Rosenau, M Rudolf, O Oncken
EarthArXiv, 2019
Time-dependent frictional properties of granular materials used in analogue modelling: implications for mimicking fault healing during reactivation and inversion
M Rudolf, M Rosenau, O Oncken
Solid Earth 14 (3), 311-331, 2023
The spectrum of slip behaviors of a granular fault gouge analogue governed by rate and state friction
M Rudolf, M Rosenau, O Oncken
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (12), e2021GC009825, 2021
Ring Shear and Slide-Hold-Slide Test Measurements for Soda-Lime Glassbeads of 300-400µm diameter used at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling, Potsdam, Germany
M Rudolf, M Rosenau, O Oncken
GFZ Data Services, 2021
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