Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, enhanced edition: Exploring the brain M Bear, B Connors, MA Paradiso Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020 | 6292 | 2020 |
Neurociências: desvendando o sistema nervoso MF Bear, BW Connors, MA Paradiso Artmed editora, 2017 | 1198 | 2017 |
Brightness perception and filling-in MA Paradiso, K Nakayama Vision research 31 (7-8), 1221-1236, 1991 | 445 | 1991 |
Neurowissenschaften: Ein grundlegendes Lehrbuch für Biologie, Medizin und Psychologie MF Bear, BW Connors, MA Paradiso Springer-Verlag, 2018 | 355 | 2018 |
The representation of brightness in primary visual cortex AF Rossi, CD Rittenhouse, MA Paradiso Science 273 (5278), 1104-1107, 1996 | 317 | 1996 |
A theory for the use of visual orientation information which exploits the columnar structure of striate cortex MA Paradiso Biological cybernetics 58 (1), 35-49, 1988 | 300 | 1988 |
Monocular deprivation induces homosynaptic long-term depression in visual cortex CD Rittenhouse, HZ Shouval, MA Paradiso, MF Bear Nature 397 (6717), 347-350, 1999 | 288 | 1999 |
Neurosciences: à la découverte du cerveau MF Bear, BW Connors, MA Paradiso John Libbey Eurotext, 2016 | 216 | 2016 |
Neural correlates of perceived brightness in the retina, lateral geniculate nucleus, and striate cortex AF Rossi, MA Paradiso Journal of Neuroscience 19 (14), 6145-6156, 1999 | 189 | 1999 |
Subjective contours, tilt aftereffects, and visual cortical organization MA Paradiso, S Shimojo, K Nakayama Vision research 29 (9), 1205-1213, 1989 | 168 | 1989 |
Feature-specific effects of selective visual attention AF Rossi, MA Paradiso Vision research 35 (5), 621-634, 1995 | 167 | 1995 |
Blockade of intracortical inhibition in kitten striate cortex: effects on receptive field properties and associated loss of ocular dominance plasticity AS Ramoa, MA Paradiso, RD Freeman Experimental Brain Research 73, 285-296, 1988 | 128 | 1988 |
Temporal limits of brightness induction and mechanisms of brightness perception AF Rossi, MA Paradiso Vision research 36 (10), 1391-1398, 1996 | 126 | 1996 |
Neuroscience (Vol. 2) MF Bear, BW Connors, MA Paradiso Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007 | 105 | 2007 |
Lightness constancy in primary visual cortex SP MacEvoy, MA Paradiso Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (15), 8827-8831, 2001 | 101 | 2001 |
Neuroscienze. Esplorando il cervello. Con CD-ROM MF Bear, BW Connors, MA Paradiso Elsevier srl, 2007 | 94 | 2007 |
Integration of surface information in primary visual cortex SP MacEvoy, WJ Kim, MA Paradiso Nature neuroscience 1 (7), 616-620, 1998 | 88 | 1998 |
Filling-in percepts produced by luminance modulation MA Paradiso, S Hahn Vision research 36 (17), 2657-2663, 1996 | 83 | 1996 |
Two methods of catecholamine depletion in kitten visual cortex yield different effects on plasticity MF Bear, MA Paradiso, M Schwartz, SB Nelson, KM Carnes, JD Daniels Nature 302 (5905), 245-247, 1983 | 82 | 1983 |
V1 response timing and surface filling-in X Huang, MA Paradiso Journal of neurophysiology 100 (1), 539-547, 2008 | 81 | 2008 |