Andean tectonics as a cause for changing drainage patterns in Miocene northern South America C Hoorn, J Guerrero, GA Sarmiento, MA Lorente Geology 23 (3), 237-240, 1995 | 922 | 1995 |
Palynology and palynofacies of the Upper Tertiary in Venezuela MA Lorente Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1986 | 270 | 1986 |
Palaeoecology, palaeogeography and depositional environments of Upper Cretaceous rocks of western Venezuela RN Erlich, O Macsotay, AJ Nederbragt, MA Lorente Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 153 (1-4), 203-238, 1999 | 84 | 1999 |
A record of long-and short-term environmental and climatic change during OAE3: La Luna Formation, Late Cretaceous (Santonian–early Campanian), Venezuela O Rey, JA Simo, MA Lorente Sedimentary Geology 170 (1-2), 85-105, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Birth and death of the Late Cretaceous “La Luna Sea”, and origin of the Tres Esquinas phosphorites RN Erlich, AJ Nederbragt, MA Lorente Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (1-2), 21-45, 2000 | 58 | 2000 |
Geochemical characterization of oceanographic and climatic changes recorded in upper Albian to lower Maastrichtian strata, western Venezuela RN Erlich, SE Palmer-Koleman, MA Lorente Cretaceous Research 20 (5), 547-581, 1999 | 50 | 1999 |
The origin and evolution of the Caribbean plate KH James, MA Lorente, JL Pindell Geological Society 328, 542, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Estudio estratigrafico del flanco Norandino T Boesi, F Galea, G Rojas, MA Lorente, I Durán, M Velásquez 3rd Simposio Bolivariano, cp-114-00001, 1988 | 42 | 1988 |
Textural characteristics of organic matter in several subenvironnments of the Orinoco upper delta MA Lorente Geologie en Mijnbouw 69 (3), 1990 | 41 | 1990 |
Paleogeography and stratigraphy of the La Luna Formation and related Cretaceous anoxic depositional systems TJ Bralower, MA Lorente Palaios 18 (4-5), 301-304, 2003 | 28 | 2003 |
Biostratigraphic, sedimentologic, and chemostratigraphic study of the La Luna Formation (late Turonian–Campanian) in the San Miguel and Las Hernandez sections, western Venezuela E Zapata, V Padron, I Madrid, V Kertznus, I Truskowski, MA Lorente Palaios 18 (4-5), 367-377, 2003 | 23 | 2003 |
Digital image analysis: an approach for quantitative characterisation of organic facies and palynofacies MA Lorente | 20 | 1990 |
Marco Tectonoestratigrafico y paleogeografia de la Cuenca de Maracaibo y areas vecinas durante el Paleogeno P Pestman, S Ghosh, L L. Melendez, MA Lorente Bol. Soc. Venez. De Geologos 23 (1), 28 -45, 1998 | 19 | 1998 |
Late Cretaceous anoxia and lateral microfacies changes in the Tres Esquinas member, La Luna Formation, western Venezuela M Parra, L Moscardelli, MA Lorente Palaios 18 (4-5), 321-333, 2003 | 17 | 2003 |
The geology and evolution of the region between North and South America JL Pindell, L Kennan, K James, M Lorente Geological Society of London Special Publication, 2009 | 16* | 2009 |
A structuring event of Campanian age in western Venezuela, interpreted from seismic and palaeontological data PM Cooney, MA Lorente | 13 | 2009 |
Implicaciones tectónicas de un evento estructural en el Cretácico Superior (Santoniense–Campaniense) de Venezuela occidental PM Cooney, MA Lorente Memorias: VIII Congreso Geologico Venezolano, 16-19, 1997 | 13 | 1997 |
Paleoecologia y Paleoambiente del Miembro Quevedo (Formacion Navay) en las proximidades de Santa Barbara, Estado Barinas T Sanchez, MA Lorente V Congreso Geologico Venezolano 1, 107 -133, 1977 | 13* | 1977 |
Nuevos aportes para la datación de los principales eventos tectónicos y unidades litoestratigráficas de la cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela Occidental MA Lorente, V Rull, M Ruiz, I Durán, I Truskowski, E Di Giacomo Boletín de Geología 18 (31), 33-50, 1997 | 12 | 1997 |
Process and system for digital analysis of images applied to stratigraphic data MA Lorente, JT De Rincon, O Morean, TB Wright US Patent 4,918,739, 1990 | 12 | 1990 |