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Physical Review Letters 83 (25), 5198, 1999
1956 1999 Regimes of quantum degeneracy in trapped 1D gases DS Petrov, GV Shlyapnikov, JTM Walraven
Physical Review Letters 85 (18), 3745, 2000
997 2000 Weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms DS Petrov, C Salomon, GV Shlyapnikov
Physical review letters 93 (9), 090404, 2004
966 2004 Bose-Einstein condensation in quasi-2D trapped gases DS Petrov, M Holzmann, GV Shlyapnikov
Physical Review Letters 84 (12), 2551, 2000
854 2000 Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped dipolar gases L Santos, GV Shlyapnikov, P Zoller, M Lewenstein
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830 2000 Influence of nearly resonant light on the scattering length in low-temperature atomic gases PO Fedichev, Y Kagan, GV Shlyapnikov, JTM Walraven
Physical review letters 77 (14), 2913, 1996
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636 1996 Interatomic collisions in a tightly confined Bose gas DS Petrov, GV Shlyapnikov
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