The κ-μ distribution and the η-μ distribution MD Yacoub
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 49 (1), 68-81, 2007
1147 * 2007 Foundations of mobile radio engineering MD Yacoub
Routledge, 2019
978 2019 The - Distribution: A Physical Fading Model for the Stacy Distribution MD Yacoub
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (1), 27-34, 2007
860 2007 On higher order statistics of the Nakagami-m distribution MD Yacoub, JEV Bautista, LG de Rezende Guedes
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 48 (3), 790-794, 1999
429 1999 The electronics handbook JC Whitaker, MH Kryder, JF Shackelford, VK Tripathi, G DeSantis, ...
Crc Press, 2018
377 2018 Wireless technology: protocols, standards, and techniques MD Yacoub
CRC press, 2017
155 2017 The α-η-μ and α-κ-μ fading distributions G Fraidenraich, MD Yacoub
2006 IEEE ninth international symposium on spread spectrum techniques and …, 2006
149 2006 Nakagami-m phase-envelope joint distribution MD Yacoub, G Fraidenraich, JCS Santos Filho
Electronics Letters 41 (5), 259-261, 2005
142 2005 Second-order statistics for diversity-combining techniques in Nakagami-fading channels MD Yacoub, CRCM da Silva, JEV Bautista
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 50 (6), 1464-1470, 2001
125 2001 Average channel capacity for generalized fading scenarios DB Da Costa, MD Yacoub
IEEE Communications Letters 11 (12), 949-951, 2007
122 2007 The - - - Fading Model MD Yacoub
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (8), 3597-3610, 2016
120 2016 Nakagami-m approximation to the sum of M non-identical independent Nakagami-m variates J Filho, MD Yacoub
Electronics Letters 40 (15), 951-952, 2004
104 2004 Nakagami- Phase–Envelope Joint Distribution: A New Model MD Yacoub
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (3), 1552-1557, 2010
98 2010 On the Product of Two – Random Variables and its Application to Double and Composite Fading Channels N Bhargav, CRN da Silva, YJ Chun, ÉJ Leonardo, SL Cotton, MD Yacoub
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (4), 2457-2470, 2018
86 2018 Highly Accurate Closed-Form Approximations to the Sum of α-μVariates and Applications DB Da Costa, MD Yacoub
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (9), 3301-3306, 2008
83 2008 Outage performance of two hop AF relaying systems with co-channel interferers over Nakagami-m fading DB Da Costa, MD Yacoub
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (9), 980-982, 2011
79 2011 The k-µ distribution and the n-µ distribution MD Yacoub
IEEE Antennas and propagation magazine 49 (1), 68-81, 2007
70 2007 Moment generating functions of generalized fading distributions and applications DB Da Costa, MD Yacoub
IEEE Communications Letters 12 (2), 112-114, 2008
67 2008 The η-μ joint phase-envelope distribution DB da Costa, MD Yacoub
2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1906-1908, 2007
67 2007 Simple precise approximations to Weibull sums MD Yacoub
IEEE communications letters 10 (8), 614-616, 2006
64 2006