Pavel Logačev
Pavel Logačev
Zweryfikowany adres z boun.edu.tr - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
A multiple-channel model of task-dependent ambiguity resolution in sentence comprehension
P Logačev, S Vasishth
Cognitive Science, 1-33, 2015
When high-capacity readers slow down and low-capacity readers speed up: Working memory and locality effects
B Nicenboim, P Logačev, C Gattei, S Vasishth
Frontiers in psychology 7, 280, 2016
Understanding underspecification: A comparison of two computational implementations
P Logačev, S Vasishth
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (5), 996-1012, 2016
em2: A package for computing reading time measures for psycholinguistics
P Logacev, S Vasishth
Case Matching and Conflicting Bindings Interference
P Logačev, S Vasishth
Case, word order, and prominence: Psycholinguistic and theoretical …, 2012
Agreement attraction in Turkish: The case of genitive attractors
U Türk, P Logačev
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 39 (4), 448-454, 2024
POS-Tagging Historical Corpora: The Case of Early New High German
P Logačev, K Goldschmidt, U Demske
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, 103, 2014
Intonation of Greek in contact with Turkish: a diachronic study
M Baltazani, J Przedlacka, Ö Ünal-Logačev, P Logačev, J Coleman
Language variation and change 34 (3), 271-303, 2022
Statistical power in response signal paradigm experiments
P Logačev, MI Bozkurt
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of theCognitive Science Society …, 2021
Absence of Evidence for Underspecification in Prenominal Relative Clause Attachment
P Logacev, O Aydin, MA Tuncer
Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2022
Underspecification and parallel processing in sentence comprehension
P Logačev
Universität Potsdam, 2014
The integration advantage due to clefting and topicalization
R Shaher, F Engelmann, P Logacev, S Vasishth, N Srinivasan
Proceedings of GLOW in Asia, 2009
Clefting, topicalization and the given-new preference: Eyetracking evidence from Hindi
R Shaher, P Logacev, F Engelmann, N Srinivasan, S Vasishth
Proceedings of AMLaP Conference, 2008
The role of underspecification in relative clause attachment: Speed-accuracy tradeoff evidence.
P Logačev
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 49 (9), 1471, 2023
A Multinomial Processing Tree Model of RC Attachment
P Logačev, N Dokudan
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational …, 2021
Case Overwriting Effects in German
P Logačev, S Vasishth
CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, 2007
Retrieval Interference in Sentence Comprehension: A new theory and data
P Logačev, S Vasishth
When High-Capacity Readers Slow Down and Low-Capacity Readers Speed Up: Working Memory and Locality Effects: Bruno Nicenboim, Pavel Logačev, Carolina Gattei, Shravan Vasishth …
B Nicenboim, P Logačev, C Gattei, S Vasishth
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (280), 24, 2016
When high-capacity readers slow down and low-capacity readers speed up: Working memory differences in unbounded dependencies for German and Spanish readers (Thought and Language)
B Nicenboim, P Logačev, C Gattei, S Vasishth
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告= IEICE technical report: 信学技報 114 (176 …, 2014
Task-dependence of relative clause attachment
P Logačev, S Vasishth
AMLaP, 2013
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