Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Shari L. DworkinWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 4
‘Women now wear trousers’: men's perceptions of family planning in the context of changing gender relations in western Kenya
M Withers, SL Dworkin, JM Zakaras, M Onono, B Oyier, CR Cohen, ...
Culture, health & sexuality 17 (9), 1132-1146, 2015
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Redefining gender-based power to move beyond interpersonal approaches to HIV prevention
KL Horton, SL Dworkin
Advances in Nursing Science 36 (1), 42-50, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
An agricultural livelihood intervention is associated with reduced HIV stigma among people living with HIV
SD Weiser, LA Sheira, E Weke, JM Zakaras, P Wekesa, EA Frongillo, ...
AIDS, 10.1097, 2022
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of a livelihood intervention on gender roles and relationship power among people with HIV
LA Sheira, P Wekesa, CR Cohen, E Weke, EA Frongillo, AR Mocello, ...
AIDS 38 (1), 95-104, 2024
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 58
Rethinking gender, heterosexual men, and women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS
JA Higgins, S Hoffman, SL Dworkin
American journal of public health 100 (3), 435-445, 2010
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Gender-transformative interventions to reduce HIV risks and violence with heterosexually-active men: a review of the global evidence
SL Dworkin, S Treves-Kagan, SA Lippman
AIDS and Behavior 17, 2845-2863, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
The men? s health gap: men must be included in the global health equity agenda
P Baker, SL Dworkin, S Tong, I Banks, T Shand, G Yamey
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92, 618-620, 2014
Upoważnienia: Department of International Development, UK
The promises and limitations of gender-transformative health programming with men: critical reflections from the field
SL Dworkin, PJ Fleming, CJ Colvin
Culture, health & sexuality 17 (sup2), 128-143, 2015
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
“Real men don't”: constructions of masculinity and inadvertent harm in public health interventions
PJ Fleming, JGL Lee, SL Dworkin
American journal of public health 104 (6), 1029-1035, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Promises and pitfalls of data sharing in qualitative research
AC Tsai, BA Kohrt, LT Matthews, TS Betancourt, JK Lee, AV Papachristos, ...
Social Science & Medicine 169, 191-198, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Development and validation of a reproductive autonomy scale
UD Upadhyay, SL Dworkin, TA Weitz, DG Foster
Studies in family planning 45 (1), 19-41, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Microfinance and HIV/AIDS prevention: assessing its promise and limitations
SL Dworkin, K Blankenship
AIDS and Behavior 13, 462-469, 2009
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Men's violence against women and men are inter-related: Recommendations for simultaneous intervention
PJ Fleming, S Gruskin, F Rojo, SL Dworkin
Social science & medicine 146, 249-256, 2015
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of a gender-transformative HIV and antiviolence program on gender ideologies and masculinities in two rural, South African communities
SL Dworkin, AM Hatcher, C Colvin, D Peacock
Men and masculinities 16 (2), 181-202, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Keeping the spirit of community partnerships alive in the scale up of HIV/AIDS prevention: critical reflections on the roll out of DEBI (Diffusion of Effective Behavioral …
SL Dworkin, RM Pinto, J Hunter, B Rapkin, RH Remien
American journal of community psychology 42, 51-59, 2008
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
‘One Man Can’: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa
W Van den Berg, L Hendricks, A Hatcher, D Peacock, P Godana, ...
Gender & development 21 (1), 111-125, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Intimate partner violence among rural South African men: alcohol use, sexual decision-making, and partner communication
AM Hatcher, CJ Colvin, N Ndlovu, SL Dworkin
Culture, health & sexuality 16 (9), 1023-1039, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Jaboya vs. Jakambi: Status, Negotiation, and HIV Risks Among Female Migrants in the “Sex for Fish” Economy in Nyanza Province, Kenya
CS Camlin, ZA Kwena, SL Dworkin
AIDS education and prevention 25 (3), 216-231, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
What role do masculine norms play in men’s HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa?: a scoping review
KM Sileo, R Fielding-Miller, SL Dworkin, PJ Fleming
AIDS and Behavior 22, 2468-2479, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
What role can gender-transformative programming for men play in increasing men’s HIV testing and engagement in HIV care and treatment in South Africa?
PJ Fleming, C Colvin, D Peacock, SL Dworkin
Culture, health & sexuality 18 (11), 1251-1264, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
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