Uruk Mesopotamia & its neighbors: cross-cultural interactions in the era of state formation MS Rothman, G Algaze School of American Research Press, 2001 | 310 | 2001 |
Tepe Gawra: the evolution of a small, prehistoric center in northern Iraq MS Rothman UPenn Museum of Archaeology, 2002 | 230 | 2002 |
Studying the development of complex society: Mesopotamia in the late fifth and fourth millennia BC MS Rothman Journal of Archaeological Research 12, 75-119, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Chiefdoms and early states in the Near East: the organizational dynamics of complexity G Stein, MS Rothman Monographs in world archaeology, 1994 | 91 | 1994 |
Ripples in the stream: Transcaucasia-Anatolian interaction in the Murat/Euphrates basin at the beginning of the third millennium BC MS Rothman na, 2003 | 86 | 2003 |
The local and the regional: An introduction MS Rothman uruk mesopotamia & its neighbors: cross-cultural interactions in the era of …, 2001 | 81 | 2001 |
On the high road: the history of Godin Tepe, Iran H Gopnik, MS Rothman Bibliotheca Iranica/Archaeology, art and architecture series, 2011 | 75 | 2011 |
Evolutionary typologies and cultural complexity MS Rothman Stein y Rothman, 1-10, 1994 | 60 | 1994 |
Early Transcaucasian cultures and their neighbors: unraveling migration, trade, and assimilation S Batuik, MS Rothman Expedition: The magazine of the University of Pennsylvania 49 (1), 7-17, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Contact and development in Godin Period VI MS Rothman, VR Badler On the high road: The history of Godin Tepe, Iran, 67-137, 2011 | 51 | 2011 |
Early Bronze Age migrants and ethnicity in the Middle Eastern mountain zone MS Rothman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (30), 9190-9195, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Muş in the Early Bronze Age MS Rothman, G Kozbe Anatolian studies 47, 105-126, 1997 | 42 | 1997 |
The Tigris piedmont, eastern Jazira, and the highland western Iran in the fourth millennium BC MS Rothman uruk mesopotamia & its neighbors: cross-cultural interactions in the era of …, 2001 | 40 | 2001 |
Societal evolution of small, pre-state centers and polities: The example of Tepe Gawra in northern Mesopotamia MS Rothman, B PEASNALL Paléorient, 101-114, 1999 | 40 | 1999 |
Transcaucasians: Settlement, migration, and trade in the Kura-Araxes periods MS Rothman Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 37, 53-62, 2005 | 37 | 2005 |
Tepe Gawra: Chronology and socio-economic change in the foothills of northern Iraq in the era of state formation MS Rothman Artefacts of complexity: tracking the Uruk in the Near East, 49-77, 2002 | 35 | 2002 |
Graph theory and the interpretation of regional survey data MS Rothman Paléorient, 73-91, 1987 | 35 | 1987 |
Migration and resettlement: Godin period IV MS Rothman On the High Road: The History of Godin Tepe, Iran, 139-208, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Chiefdoms and early states in the Near East G Stein, M Rothman The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, 1994 | 32 | 1994 |
Regarding ritual behaviour at Shengavit, Armenia H Simonyan, MS Rothman Ancient Near Eastern Studies 52, 1-46, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |