Towards global phosphorus security: A systems framework for phosphorus recovery and reuse options D Cordell, A Rosemarin, JJ Schröder, AL Smit Chemosphere 84 (6), 747-758, 2011 | 1207 | 2011 |
Does the crop or the soil indicate how to save nitrogen in maize production?: Reviewing the state of the art JJ Schröder, JJ Neeteson, O Oenema, PC Struik Field Crops Research 66 (2), 151-164, 2000 | 470 | 2000 |
Improved phosphorus use efficiency in agriculture: a key requirement for its sustainable use JJ Schröder, AL Smit, D Cordell, A Rosemarin Chemosphere 84 (6), 822-831, 2011 | 465 | 2011 |
Can our global food system meet food demand within planetary boundaries? JG Conijn, PS Bindraban, JJ Schröder, REE Jongschaap Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 251, 244-256, 2018 | 325 | 2018 |
A review of farm‐scale nutrient budgets for organic farms as a tool for management of soil fertility CA Watson, H Bengtsson, M Ebbesvik, AK Løes, A Myrbeck, E Salomon, ... Soil Use and Management 18, 264-273, 2002 | 318 | 2002 |
An evaluation of whole-farm nitrogen balances and related indices for efficient nitrogen use JJ Schröder, HFM Aarts, HFM Ten Berge, H Van Keulen, JJ Neeteson European journal of Agronomy 20 (1-2), 33-44, 2003 | 303 | 2003 |
Revisiting the agronomic benefits of manure: a correct assessment and exploitation of its fertilizer value spares the environment J Schröder Bioresource technology 96 (2), 253-261, 2005 | 299 | 2005 |
The effects of nutrient losses from agriculture on ground and surface water quality: the position of science in developing indicators for regulation JJ Schroder, D Scholefield, F Cabral, G Hofman Environmental Science & Policy 7 (1), 15-23, 2004 | 293 | 2004 |
Sustainable use of phosphorus JJ Schröder, D Cordell, AL Smit, A Rosemarin Wageningen: Plant Research International 357, 138, 2010 | 273* | 2010 |
Phosphorus in agriculture: global resources, trends and developments AL Smit, PS Bindraban, JJ Schröder, JG Conijn, HG Van der Meer Report to the Steering Committee Technology Assessment of the Ministry of …, 2009 | 262 | 2009 |
Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa HFM Ten Berge, R Hijbeek, MP Van Loon, J Rurinda, K Tesfaye, ... Global Food Security 23, 9-21, 2019 | 220 | 2019 |
Leaching of nitrate from agriculture to groundwater: the effect of policies and measures in the Netherlands O Oenema, PCM Boers, MM Van Eerdt, B Fraters, HG Van der Meer, ... Environmental pollution 102 (1), 471-478, 1998 | 196 | 1998 |
Long-term nitrogen fertilizer replacement value of cattle manures applied to cut grassland JJ Schröder, D Uenk, GJ Hilhorst Plant and Soil 299, 83-99, 2007 | 180 | 2007 |
Nutrient management regulations in The Netherlands JJ Schröder, JJ Neeteson Geoderma 144 (3-4), 418-425, 2008 | 148* | 2008 |
Long‐term nitrogen supply from cattle slurry JJ Schröder, AG Jansen, GJ Hilhorst Soil Use and Management 21 (2), 196-204, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Intercropping reduces nitrate leaching from under field crops without loss of yield: a modelling study AP Whitmore, JJ Schröder European Journal of Agronomy 27 (1), 81-88, 2007 | 133 | 2007 |
SIMSDAIRY: a modelling framework to identify sustainable dairy farms in the UK. Framework description and test for organic systems and N fertiliser optimisation A Del Prado, T Misselbrook, D Chadwick, A Hopkins, RJ Dewhurst, ... Science of the Total Environment 409 (19), 3993-4009, 2011 | 113 | 2011 |
The elusive role of soil quality in nutrient cycling: a review JJ Schröder, RPO Schulte, RE Creamer, A Delgado, J Van Leeuwen, ... Soil Use and Management 32 (4), 476-486, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |
Effects of cover crops on the nitrogen fluxes in a silage maize production system. JJ Schröder, W Dijk, WJM Groot | 107 | 1996 |
Is agricultural intensification in The Netherlands running up to its limits? JFFP Bos, ABL Smit, JJ Schröder NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 66, 65-73, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |