Angela dinaro Silalahi
Angela dinaro Silalahi
Zweryfikowany adres z mhs.unimed.ac.id
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Improving Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability and Self-Confidence of High School Students through Contextual Learning Model.
E Surya, FA Putri
Journal on mathematics education 8 (1), 85-94, 2017
Improving of junior high school visual thinking representation ability in mathematical problem solving by CTL
E Surya, J Sabandar, YS Kusumah, D Darhim
Journal on Mathematics Education 4 (1), 113-126, 2013
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas VII Dalam Menyelesaikan Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel
ER Harahap, E Surya
Improving Learning Activity and Students’ Problem Solving Skill through Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Junior High School
RE Simamora, DR Sidabutar, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 33 (2 …, 2017
Improving High-Level Thinking Skills by Development of Learning PBL Approach on the Learning Mathematics for Senior High School Students.
E Surya, E Syahputra
International Education Studies 10 (8), 12-20, 2017
Improving the students’ mathematical problem solving ability by applying problem based learning model in VII grade at SMPN 1 Banda Aceh Indonesia
CY Eviyanti, E Surya, E Syahputra, M Simbolon
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning 4 (2), 138-144, 2017
Analysis of Student Difficulties in Mathematics Problem Solving Ability at MTs SWASTA IRA Medan
MR Novriani, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 33 (3 …, 2017
The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach on Ability of Students’ Mathematical Concept Understanding
L Lestari, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 34 (1 …, 2017
Analysis of Students’ Junior High School Mathematical Connection Ability
ND Siregar, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 33 (2 …, 2017
Differences in the Abilities of Creative Thinking and Problem Solving of Students in Mathematics by Using Cooperative Learning and Learning of Problem Solving
M Hasanah, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 34 …, 2017
Visual thinking dalam memaksimalkan pembelajaran matematika siswa dapat membangun karakter bangsa
E Surya
Jurnal penelitian dan pembelajaran matematika 5 (1), 41-50, 2012
The Effect Of Problem Based Learning To Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
N Astriani, E Surya, E Syahputra
IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-4396 3, 2017
Analysis Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of Student of the Grade VIII-2 Junior High School Bilah Hulu Labuhan Batu
J Lubis, A Panjaitan, E Surya, E Syahputra
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning 4 (2), 131-137, 2017
Analysis Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of Student of the Grade VIII-2 Junior High School Bilah Hulu Labuhan Batu
J NoprianiLubis, A Panjaitan, E Surya, E Syahputra
Effect of Problem Based Learning Toward Mathematical Communication Ability and Self-Regulated Learning
E Surya, E Syahputra, N Jumiati
Journal of Education and Practice 9 (6), 14-23, 2018
Analysis Mathematical Communication Skills Student At The Grade IX Junior High School
F Tiffani, E Surya, A Panjaitan, E Syahputra
IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-4396 3, 2017
The Development of Learning Material Using Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Communication Ability of Secondary School Students
D Perwitasari, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 33 (3), 2017
An analysis of students’ mathematics problem solving ability in VII grade at smp negeri 4 pancurbatu
SA Peranginangin, E Surya
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 33 (2 …, 2017
Visual Thinking Dalam Memaksimalkan
E Surya
abmas 83, 2010
Visual Thinking dalam Memaksimalkan Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa Dapat Membangun Karakter Bangsa
E Surya
abmas 83, 2010
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