Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism A Auerbach
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
2500 2012 Functional integral theories of low-dimensional quantum Heisenberg models DP Arovas, A Auerbach
Physical Review B 38 (1), 316, 1988
1122 1988 Spin dynamics in the square-lattice antiferromagnet A Auerbach, DP Arovas
Physical review letters 61 (5), 617, 1988
537 1988 Floquet spectrum and transport through an irradiated graphene ribbon Z Gu, HA Fertig, DP Arovas, A Auerbach
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418 2011 Extended Heisenberg models of antiferromagnetism: Analogies to the fractional quantum Hall effect DP Arovas, A Auerbach, FDM Haldane
Physical review letters 60 (6), 531, 1988
416 1988 Kondo bosons and the Kondo lattice: Microscopic basis for the heavy Fermi liquid A Auerbach, K Levin
Physical review letters 57 (7), 877, 1986
375 1986 Oscillating superfluidity of bosons in optical lattices E Altman, A Auerbach
Physical review letters 89 (25), 250404, 2002
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Physical review letters 77 (6), 1123, 1996
239 1996 Néel transition and sublattice magnetization of pure and doped B Keimer, A Aharony, A Auerbach, RJ Birgeneau, A Cassanho, Y Endoh, ...
Physical Review B 45 (13), 7430, 1992
233 1992 Plaquette boson-fermion model of cuprates E Altman, A Auerbach
Physical Review B 65 (10), 104508, 2002
226 2002 Visibility of the amplitude (Higgs) mode in condensed matter D Podolsky, A Auerbach, DP Arovas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (17), 174522, 2011
221 2011 Electron-vibron interactions in charged fullerenes. I. Berry phases A Auerbach, N Manini, E Tosatti
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Physical review letters 80 (15), 3352, 1998
202 1998 The Higgs mode in disordered superconductors close to a quantum phase transition D Sherman, US Pracht, B Gorshunov, S Poran, J Jesudasan, M Chand, ...
Nature Physics 11 (2), 188-192, 2015
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1985
166 1985 Electron-vibron interactions in charged fullerenes. II. Pair energies and spectra N Manini, E Tosatti, A Auerbach
Physical Review B 49 (18), 13008, 1994
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Physical review letters 66 (1), 76, 1991
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Physical Review B 55 (5), 3104, 1997
151 1997 Doped antiferromagnet: The instability of homogeneous magnetic phases A Auerbach, BE Larson
Physical Review B 43 (10), 7800, 1991
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