Decline of the flora in Danish arable fields C Andreasen, H Stryhn, JC Streibig Journal of Applied Ecology, 619-626, 1996 | 368 | 1996 |
Soil properties affecting the distribution of 37 weed species in Danish fields C Andreasen, JC Streibig, H Haas Weed Research 31 (4), 181-187, 1991 | 214 | 1991 |
Increasing weed flora in Danish arable fields and its importance for biodiversity C Andreasen, H Stryhn Weed research 48 (1), 1-9, 2008 | 159 | 2008 |
Light and heavy turfgrass seeds differ in germination percentage and mean germination thermal time SU Larsen, C Andreasen Crop Science 44 (5), 1710-1720, 2004 | 150 | 2004 |
Crop and soil factors of importance for the distribution of plant species on arable fields in Denmark C Andreasen, IM Skovgaard Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 133 (1-2), 61-67, 2009 | 149 | 2009 |
Ecological fitness of a glyphosate-resistant Lolium rigidum population: growth and seed production along a competition gradient BP Pedersen, P Neve, C Andreasen, SB Powles Basic and Applied Ecology 8 (3), 258-268, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Evaluation of changes in weed flora in arable fields of Nordic countries–based on Danish long‐term surveys C Andreasen, JC Streibig Weed Research 51 (3), 214-226, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
Annual weed distributions can be mapped with kriging T Heisel, C Andreasen, AK Ersbøll Weed Research 36 (4), 325-337, 1996 | 117 | 1996 |
Cutting weeds with a CO2 laser T Heisel, J Schou, S Christensen, C Andreasen Weed research 41 (1), 19-29, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
Long-term storage and longevity of orthodox seeds: A systematic review SØ Solberg, F Yndgaard, C Andreasen, R Von Bothmer, IG Loskutov, ... Frontiers in plant science 11, 1007, 2020 | 101 | 2020 |
Assessment of weed density at an early stage by use of image processing C Andreasen, M Rudemo, S Sevestre Weed research 37 (1), 5-18, 1997 | 97 | 1997 |
Deep neural networks to detect weeds from crops in agricultural environments in real-time: A review I Rakhmatulin, A Kamilaris, C Andreasen Remote Sensing 13 (21), 4486, 2021 | 96 | 2021 |
Weed mapping with co-kriging using soil properties T Heisel, AKÆ Ersbøll, C Andreasen Precision Agriculture 1, 39-52, 1999 | 86 | 1999 |
Growth response of six weed species and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) to increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus C Andreasen, AS Litz, JC Streibig Weed Research 46 (6), 503-512, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |
Survival of weed seeds and animal parasites as affected by anaerobic digestion at meso-and thermophilic conditions A Johansen, HB Nielsen, CM Hansen, C Andreasen, J Carlsgart, ... Waste management 33 (4), 807-812, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Prediction of yield loss caused by Orobanche spp. in carrot and pea crops based on the soil seedbank BERNHARD, JENSEN, ANDREASEN Weed research 38 (3), 191-197, 1998 | 67 | 1998 |
Using laser to measure stem thickness and cut weed stems T Heisel, J Schou, C Andreasen, S Christensen Weed Research 42 (3), 242-248, 2002 | 66 | 2002 |
Decreasing diversity in the soil seed bank after 50 years in Danish arable fields C Andreasen, HA Jensen, SM Jensen Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259, 61-71, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Quinoa phenotyping methodologies: An international consensus CS Stanschewski, E Rey, G Fiene, EB Craine, G Wellman, VJ Melino, ... Plants 10 (9), 1759, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
Increasing weed flora in Danish beet, pea and winter barley fields C Andreasen, H Stryhn Crop Protection 36, 11-17, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |