Recovering mental health in Scotland: Report on narrative investigation of mental health recovery W Brown, N Kandirikirira Scottish Recovery Network, 2007 | 159 | 2007 |
Mental health recovery narratives and their impact on recipients: systematic review and narrative synthesis S Rennick-Egglestone, K Morgan, J Llewellyn-Beardsley, A Ramsay, ... The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 64 (10), 669-679, 2019 | 108 | 2019 |
Harnessing the'lived experience': formalising peer support approaches to promote recovery S Bradstreet The Mental Health Review 11 (2), 33, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
Evaluation of the Delivering for Mental Health Peer Support Worker Pilot Scheme J McLean, H Biggs, I Whitehead, R Pratt, M Maxwell Scottish Government, 2009 | 97 | 2009 |
Evaluating the feasibility of complex interventions in mental health services: standardised measure and reporting guidelines VJ Bird, C Le Boutillier, M Leamy, J Williams, S Bradstreet, M Slade The British Journal of Psychiatry, bjp. bp. 113.128314, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Developing peer support worker roles: reflecting on experiences in Scotland S Bradstreet, R Pratt Mental Health and Social Inclusion 14 (3), 36-41, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Not the story you want? Assessing the fit of a conceptual framework characterising mental health recovery narratives J Llewellyn-Beardsley, S Rennick-Egglestone, S Bradstreet, L Davidson, ... Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 55, 295-308, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Health services, suicide, and self-harm: patient distress and system anxiety M Smith, J Bouch, S Bradstreet, T Lakey, A Nightingale, R O'Connor Lancet Psychiatry, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Recovery and Strengths Based Practice J McCormack SRN Discussion Paper Series, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
Internalised stigma in mental health: An investigation of the role of attachment style S Bradstreet, A Dodd, S Jones Psychiatry Research 270, 1001-1009, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Journeys of Recovery SR Network Scottish Recovery Network, 2006 | 38 | 2006 |
The EMPOWER blended digital intervention for relapse prevention in schizophrenia: a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial in Scotland and Australia AI Gumley, S Bradstreet, J Ainsworth, S Allan, M Alvarez-Jimenez, ... The Lancet Psychiatry 9 (6), 477-486, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
Early signs monitoring to prevent relapse in psychosis and promote well-being, engagement, and recovery: protocol for a feasibility cluster randomized controlled trial … A Gumley, S Bradstreet, J Ainsworth, S Allan, M Alvarez-Jimenez, ... JMIR research protocols 9 (1), e15058, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Adverse event monitoring in mHealth for psychosis interventions provides an important opportunity for learning S Bradstreet, S Allan, A Gumley Journal of Mental Health, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Recovery in Scotland: beyond service development S Bradstreet, R McBrierty International Review of Psychiatry 24 (1), 64-69, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Developing a hypothetical implementation framework of expectations for monitoring early signs of psychosis relapse using a mobile app: qualitative study S Allan, S Bradstreet, H Mcleod, J Farhall, M Lambrou, J Gleeson, A Clark, ... Journal of medical Internet research 21 (10), e14366, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Curation of mental health recovery narrative collections: systematic review and qualitative synthesis R McGranahan, S Rennick-Egglestone, A Ramsay, J Llewellyn-Beardsley, ... JMIR mental health 6 (10), e14233, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
So if we like the idea of peer workers, why aren’t we seeing more? J Gordon, S Bradstreet World Journal of Psychiatry 5 (2), 160-166, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Elements of Recovery: International learning and the Scottish context S Bradstreet The Scottish Recovery Network Discussion Paper Series. Report 1, 2004 | 26 | 2004 |
Digital smartphone intervention to recognise and manage early warning signs in schizophrenia to prevent relapse: the EMPOWER feasibility cluster RCT AI Gumley, S Bradstreet, J Ainsworth, S Allan, M Alvarez-Jimenez, ... Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 26 (27), 1, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |