Does flattening government improve economic performance? Evidence from China P Li, Y Lu, J Wang Journal of development economics 123, 18-37, 2016 | 1092 | 2016 |
Career concerns and multitasking local bureaucrats: Evidence of a target-based performance evaluation system in China YJ Chen, P Li, Y Lu Journal of Development Economics 133, 84-101, 2018 | 552 | 2018 |
Water pollution progress at borders: the role of changes in China's political promotion incentives ME Kahn, P Li, D Zhao American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 7 (4), 223-242, 2015 | 474 | 2015 |
The effects of fuel standards on air pollution: Evidence from China P Li, Y Lu, J Wang Journal of Development Economics 146, 102488, 2020 | 138 | 2020 |
Does local governments’ budget deficit push up housing prices in China? GL Wu, Q Feng, P Li China Economic Review 35, 183-196, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Air pollution lowers high skill public sector worker productivity in China ME Kahn, P Li Environmental Research Letters 15 (8), 084003, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
中国城市经济增长的效率与差异 李培 数量经济技术经济研究 24 (7), 97-106, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
The effect of pollution and heat on high skill public sector worker productivity in China ME Kahn, P Li National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Exploring the effectiveness of China's dual credit policy in a differentiated automobile market when some consumers are environmentally aware F Wu, P Li, X Dong, Y Lu Energy Economics 111, 106077, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Behaviors on intra-urban residential mobility: a review and implications to the future research P Li, Y Tu IRES Working Paper Series, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
京津冀地区人口迁移特征及其影响因素分析 李培, 邓慧慧 人口与经济 6, 59-63, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
经济适用房住户满意度及其影响因素分析——基于北京市 1184 位住户的调查 李培 南方经济 28 (4), 15-25, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
中国城乡人口迁移的时空特征及其影响因素 李培 经济学家 1, 50-57, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
The Great Western Development policy: How it affected grain crop production, land use and rural poverty in western China P Li, Y Tian, JJ Wu, W Xu China Agricultural Economic Review 13 (2), 319-348, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Housing search and housing choice in urban China Y Tu, P Li, L Qiu Urban Studies 54 (8), 1851-1866, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Pollution control effort at China's river borders: when does free riding cease? ME Kahn, P Li, D Zhao National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
中国式 “压力型” 财政激励的财源增长效应 谢贞发, 严瑾, 李培 管理世界, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
中国住房制度改革的政策评析 李培 公共管理学报 5 (3), 47-55, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
The impacts of openness on air quality in China P Li, Y Tu Environment and Development Economics 19 (2), 201-227, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
中国城乡人口迁移数量决定因素的实证研究: 1992~ 2004 梁明, 李培, 孙久文 人口学刊 5, 35-39, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |