Hedonic pricing model for real property valuation via GIS-A review Z Aladwan, SS Ahamad Mohd Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
BUILDING VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR NIBONG TEBAL, PENANG, VIA GIS BASED AHP PROCEDURE A Zubeida, S Ahmad, M Taksiah Global LST Anomaly Mapping from MODIS Night Imagery……………………. 1-9 …, 2014 | | 2014 |
INSTITUTION OF GEOSPATIAL AND REMOTE SENSING MALAYSIA GC Miliaresis, V Kiyani, A Alizadeh, J Feghhi, A Nazari, A Zubeida, ... | | 2014 |
Development of Spatial Analytical Model for Building Vulnerability Assessment of Nibong Tebal Area ZA Al Adwan Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2014 | | 2014 |
Global LST Anomaly Mapping from MODIS Night Imagery……………………. 1-9 George Ch. Miliaresis Evaluation of Land Use/Cover Changes in the Taleghan Watershed, Iran, Using … V Kiyani, A Alizadeh, J Feghhi, A Nazari, A Zubeida, S Ahmad, M Taksiah, ... | | 2014 |
Documentation of Historical Sites Using a GIS Based Information and Management System and 3D Laser Scanning; Case Study of Al-Faddain, Mafraq ZA Aladwan, AM Qsymah, AE Labin, AM Al-Housan, R Al Odeinan, ... | | |