Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Jozef KaiserWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 2
Effect of spherical gold nanoparticles size on nanoparticle enhanced laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Z Salajková, V Gardette, J Kaiser, M Dell'Aglio, A De Giacomo
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 179, 106105, 2021
Upoważnienia: Government of Italy
High strength, biodegradable and cytocompatible alpha tricalcium phosphate-iron composites for temporal reduction of bone fractures
EB Montufar, M Casas-Luna, M Horynová, S Tkachenko, Z Fohlerová, ...
Acta biomaterialia 70, 293-303, 2018
Upoważnienia: European Commission
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 55
Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 5 (03), T03022, 2010
Upoważnienia: Research Foundation (Flanders), German Research Foundation, Hungarian …
Methodology and applications of elemental mapping by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
A Limbeck, L Brunnbauer, H Lohninger, P Pořízka, P Modlitbová, J Kaiser, ...
Analytica chimica acta 1147, 72-98, 2021
Upoważnienia: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Superficial cells are self-renewing chondrocyte progenitors, which form the articular cartilage in juvenile mice
L Li, PT Newton, T Bouderlique, M Sejnohova, T Zikmund, ...
The FASEB Journal 31 (3), 1067, 2016
Upoważnienia: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Swedish Research Council
Analysis of neural crest–derived clones reveals novel aspects of facial development
M Kaucka, E Ivashkin, D Gyllborg, T Zikmund, M Tesarova, J Kaiser, M Xie, ...
Science advances 2 (8), e1600060, 2016
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health …
Unique morphogenetic signatures define mammalian neck muscles and associated connective tissues
E Heude, M Tesarova, EM Sefton, E Jullian, N Adachi, A Grimaldi, ...
Elife 7, e40179, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health, Leducq Foundation, USA
Accelerated hardening of nanotextured 3D-plotted self-setting calcium phosphate inks
S Raymond, Y Maazouz, EB Montufar, RA Perez, B González, J Konka, ...
Acta biomaterialia 75, 451-462, 2018
Upoważnienia: European Commission, Government of Spain
Oriented clonal cell dynamics enables accurate growth and shaping of vertebrate cartilage
M Kaucka, T Zikmund, M Tesarova, D Gyllborg, A Hellander, J Jaros, ...
Elife 6, e25902, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health, European Molecular Biology Laboratory …
Classification of challenging Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy soil sample data-EMSLIBS contest
J Vrábel, E Képeš, L Duponchel, V Motto-Ros, C Fabre, S Connemann, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 169, 105872, 2020
Upoważnienia: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Laboratory X-ray tomography for metal additive manufacturing: Round robin test
A Du Plessis, SG le Roux, J Waller, P Sperling, N Achilles, A Beerlink, ...
Additive Manufacturing 30, 100837, 2019
Upoważnienia: European Commission
Signals from the brain and olfactory epithelium control shaping of the mammalian nasal capsule cartilage
M Kaucka, J Petersen, M Tesarova, B Szarowska, ME Kastriti, M Xie, ...
Elife 7, e34465, 2018
Upoważnienia: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
Heat treatment induced phase transformations in zirconia and yttria-stabilized zirconia monolithic aerogels
J Torres-Rodríguez, J Kalmár, M Menelaou, L Čelko, K Dvořak, J Cihlář, ...
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 149, 54-63, 2019
Upoważnienia: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National Office for Research …
Detection of fluorine using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy
P Pořízka, S Kaski, A Hrdlička, P Modlitbová, L Sládková, H Häkkänen, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32 (10), 1966-1974, 2017
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Ciliopathy protein Tmem107 plays multiple roles in craniofacial development
P Cela, M Hampl, NA Shylo, KJ Christopher, M Kavkova, M Landova, ...
Journal of dental research 97 (1), 108-117, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
The effect of oral and nasal breathing on the deposition of inhaled particles in upper and tracheobronchial airways
F Lizal, J Elcner, J Jedelsky, M Maly, M Jicha, Á Farkas, M Belka, Z Rehak, ...
Journal of aerosol science 150, 105649, 2020
Upoważnienia: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Rare-Earth Zirconate Ln2Zr2O7 (Ln: La, Nd, Gd, and Dy) Powders, Xerogels, and Aerogels: Preparation, Structure, and Properties
J Torres-Rodriguez, V Gutierrez-Cano, M Menelaou, J Kaštyl, J Cihlář, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 58 (21), 14467-14477, 2019
Upoważnienia: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National Office for Research …
An RNA aptamer restores defective bone growth in FGFR3-related skeletal dysplasia in mice
T Kimura, M Bosakova, Y Nonaka, E Hruba, K Yasuda, S Futakawa, ...
Science Translational Medicine 13 (592), eaba4226, 2021
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Local retinoic acid signaling directs emergence of the extraocular muscle functional unit
GE Comai, M Tesařová, V Dupé, M Rhinn, P Vallecillo-García, F da Silva, ...
PLoS biology 18 (11), e3000902, 2020
Upoważnienia: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Laser-based techniques: novel tools for the identification and characterization of aged microplastics with developed biofilm
P Pořízka, L Brunnbauer, M Porkert, U Rozman, G Marolt, D Holub, ...
Chemosphere 313, 137373, 2023
Upoważnienia: Slovenian Research Agency, European Commission
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