Health information needs, sources, and barriers of primary care patients to achieve patient-centered care: A literature review MA Clarke, JL Moore, LM Steege, RJ Koopman, JL Belden, SM Canfield, ... Health informatics journal 22 (4), 992-1016, 2016 | 326 | 2016 |
Information needs and information‐seeking behaviour analysis of primary care physicians and nurses: a literature review MA Clarke, JL Belden, RJ Koopman, LM Steege, JL Moore, SM Canfield, ... Health Information & Libraries Journal 30 (3), 178-190, 2013 | 261 | 2013 |
A diabetes dashboard and physician efficiency and accuracy in accessing data needed for high-quality diabetes care RJ Koopman, KM Kochendorfer, JL Moore, DR Mehr, DS Wakefield, ... The Annals of Family Medicine 9 (5), 398-405, 2011 | 172 | 2011 |
Defining and testing EMR usability: Principles and proposed methods of EMR usability evaluation and rating JL Belden, R Grayson, J Barnes Information Experience Laboratory Publications (MU), 2009 | 146 | 2009 |
Physician information needs and electronic health records (EHRs): time to reengineer the clinic note RJ Koopman, LMB Steege, JL Moore, MA Clarke, SM Canfield, MS Kim, ... The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 28 (3), 316-323, 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Issues and questions to consider in implementing secure electronic patient–provider web portal communications systems DS Wakefield, D Mehr, L Keplinger, S Canfield, R Gopidi, BJ Wakefield, ... International journal of medical informatics 79 (7), 469-477, 2010 | 79 | 2010 |
Dynamic electronic health record note prototype: seeing more by showing less JL Belden, RJ Koopman, SJ Patil, NJ Lowrance, GF Petroski, JB Smith The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 30 (6), 691-700, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
A pilot study on usability analysis of emergency department information system by nurses MS Kim, JS Shapiro, N Genes, MV Aguilar, D Mohrer, K Baumlin, ... Applied clinical informatics 3 (01), 135-153, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
Designing a medication timeline for patients and physicians JL Belden, P Wegier, J Patel, A Hutson, C Plaisant, JL Moore, ... Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (2), 95-105, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Determining differences in user performance between expert and novice primary care doctors when using an electronic health record (EHR) MA Clarke, JL Belden, MS Kim Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 20 (6), 1153-1161, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Home blood pressure data visualization for the management of hypertension: designing for patient and physician information needs RJ Koopman, SM Canfield, JL Belden, P Wegier, VA Shaffer, ... BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20, 1-15, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Determining primary care physician information needs to inform ambulatory visit note display MA Clarke, LM Steege, JL Moore, RJ Koopman, JL Belden, MS Kim Applied clinical informatics 5 (01), 169-190, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Physician burnout and timing of electronic health record use MA Micek, B Arndt, WJ Tuan, E Trowbridge, SM Dean, J Lochner, ... ACI open 4 (01), e1-e8, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Factors influencing problem list use in electronic health records—application of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology ES Klappe, NF de Keizer, R Cornet Applied Clinical Informatics 11 (03), 415-426, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Toward a patient-centered ambulatory after-visit summary: identifying primary care patients’ information needs MA Clarke, JL Moore, LM Steege, RJ Koopman, JL Belden, SM Canfield, ... Informatics for Health and Social Care 43 (3), 248-263, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Addressing human computer interaction issues of electronic health record in clinical encounters MA Clarke, LM Steege, JL Moore, JL Belden, RJ Koopman, MS Kim Design, User Experience, and Usability. Health, Learning, Playing, Cultural …, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
How does learnability of primary care resident physicians increase after seven months of using an electronic health record? A longitudinal study MA Clarke, JL Belden, MS Kim JMIR human factors 3 (1), e4601, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Medical calculators: prevalence, and barriers to use TA Green, S Whitt, JL Belden, S Erdelez, CR Shyu Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 179, 105002, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Inspired EHRs: designing for clinicians J Belden, J Patel, N Lowrance, C Plaisant, R Koopman, J Moore, ... Curators of the University of Missouri, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Home blood pressure data visualization for the management of hypertension: using human factors and design principles P Wegier, JL Belden, SM Canfield, VA Shaffer, SJ Patil, ML LeFevre, ... BMC medical informatics and decision making 21, 1-14, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |