The 2021 magnonics roadmap A Barman, G Gubbiotti, S Ladak, AO Adeyeye, M Krawczyk, J Gräfe, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (41), 413001, 2021
640 2021 Direct observation of a propagating spin wave induced by spin-transfer torque M Madami, S Bonetti, G Consolo, S Tacchi, G Carlotti, G Gubbiotti, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (10), 635-638, 2011
459 2011 Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, AO Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-72, 2022
448 2022 Brillouin light scattering studies of planar metallic magnonic crystals G Gubbiotti, S Tacchi, M Madami, G Carlotti, AO Adeyeye, M Kostylev
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (26), 264003, 2010
285 2010 Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Films: Effect of the Heavy-Metal Thickness S Tacchi, RE Troncoso, M Ahlberg, G Gubbiotti, M Madami, J Åkerman, ...
Physical review letters 118 (14), 147201, 2017
241 2017 Spin excitations of nanometric cylindrical dots in vortex and saturated magnetic states L Giovannini, F Montoncello, F Nizzoli, G Gubbiotti, G Carlotti, T Okuno, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (17), 172404, 2004
220 2004 Anisotropic propagation and damping of spin waves in a nanopatterned antidot lattice S Neusser, G Duerr, HG Bauer, S Tacchi, M Madami, G Woltersdorf, ...
Physical review letters 105 (6), 067208, 2010
181 2010 Collective spin modes in monodimensional magnonic crystals consisting of dipolarly coupled nanowires G Gubbiotti, S Tacchi, G Carlotti, N Singh, S Goolaup, AO Adeyeye, ...
Applied Physics Letters 90 (9), 2007
174 2007 Comparison of frequency, field, and time domain ferromagnetic resonance methods I Neudecker, G Woltersdorf, B Heinrich, T Okuno, G Gubbiotti, CH Back
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 307 (1), 148-156, 2006
174 2006 Excitation of unidirectional exchange spin waves by a nanoscale magnetic grating J Chen, T Yu, C Liu, T Liu, M Madami, K Shen, J Zhang, S Tu, MS Alam, ...
Physical Review B 100 (10), 104427, 2019
169 2019 Magnetostatic interaction in arrays of nanometric permalloy wires: A magneto-optic Kerr effect and a Brillouin light scattering study G Gubbiotti, S Tacchi, G Carlotti, P Vavassori, N Singh, S Goolaup, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (22), 224413, 2005
158 2005 Snell’s law for spin waves J Stigloher, M Decker, HS Körner, K Tanabe, T Moriyama, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical review letters 117 (3), 037204, 2016
154 2016 Forbidden Band Gaps in the Spin-Wave Spectrum of a Two-Dimensional<? format?> Bicomponent Magnonic Crystal S Tacchi, G Duerr, JW Klos, M Madami, S Neusser, G Gubbiotti, G Carlotti, ...
Physical review letters 109 (13), 137202, 2012
148 2012 Dipole-exchange propagating spin-wave modes in metallic ferromagnetic stripes MP Kostylev, G Gubbiotti, JG Hu, G Carlotti, T Ono, RL Stamps
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (5), 054422, 2007
140 2007 Partial frequency band gap in one-dimensional magnonic crystals M Kostylev, P Schrader, RL Stamps, G Gubbiotti, G Carlotti, AO Adeyeye, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (13), 2008
135 2008 Lattice symmetry and magnetization reversal in micron-size antidot arrays in Permalloy film P Vavassori, G Gubbiotti, G Zangari, CT Yu, H Yin, H Jiang, GJ Mankey
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10), 7992-7994, 2002
132 2002 Band diagram of spin waves in a two-dimensional magnonic crystal NS Tacchi S, Montoncello F, Madami M, G. Gubbiotti ,G. Carlotti, L ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 127204, 2011
129 2011 Anisotropic dynamical coupling for propagating collective modes in a two-dimensional magnonic crystal consisting of interacting squared nanodots S Tacchi, M Madami, G Gubbiotti, G Carlotti, H Tanigawa, T Ono, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (2), 024401, 2010
121 2010 Spin dynamics in thin nanometric elliptical Permalloy dots: A Brillouin light scattering investigation as a function of dot eccentricity G Gubbiotti, G Carlotti, T Okuno, M Grimsditch, L Giovannini, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (18), 184419, 2005
119 2005 Magnetic field dependence of quantized and localized spin wave modes in thin rectangularmagnetic dots G Gubbiotti, M Conti, G Carlotti, P Candeloro, E Di Fabrizio, KY Guslienko, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (43), 7709, 2004
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