Fast folding and comparison of RNA secondary structures IL Hofacker, W Fontana, PF Stadler, LS Bonhoeffer, M Tacker, P Schuster Monatshefte fur chemie 125, 167-167, 1994 | 2960 | 1994 |
From sequences to shapes and back: a case study in RNA secondary structures P Schuster, W Fontana, PF Stadler, IL Hofacker Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1994 | 1097 | 1994 |
Perspective: evolution and detection of genetic robustness JAGM De Visser, J Hermisson, GP Wagner, LA Meyers, ... Evolution 57 (9), 1959-1972, 2003 | 824 | 2003 |
Complete suboptimal folding of RNA and the stability of secondary structures S Wuchty, W Fontana, IL Hofacker, P Schuster Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 49 (2), 145-165, 1999 | 768 | 1999 |
Smoothness within ruggedness: the role of neutrality in adaptation. MA Huynen, PF Stadler, W Fontana Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (1), 397-401, 1996 | 730 | 1996 |
Continuity in evolution: on the nature of transitions W Fontana, P Schuster Science 280 (5368), 1451-1455, 1998 | 638 | 1998 |
Plasticity, evolvability, and modularity in RNA LW Ancel, W Fontana Journal of Experimental Zoology 288 (3), 242-283, 2000 | 609 | 2000 |
“The arrival of the fittest”: Toward a theory of biological organization W Fontana, LW Buss Bulletin of mathematical biology 56, 1-64, 1994 | 558 | 1994 |
Rules for modeling signal-transduction systems WS Hlavacek, JR Faeder, ML Blinov, RG Posner, M Hucka, W Fontana Science's STKE 2006 (344), re6-re6, 2006 | 463 | 2006 |
Rule-based modelling of cellular signalling V Danos, J Feret, W Fontana, R Harmer, J Krivine International conference on concurrency theory, 17-41, 2007 | 448 | 2007 |
Algorithmic chemistry W Fontana Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA), 1990 | 446 | 1990 |
Statistics of RNA secondary structures W Fontana, DAM Konings, PF Stadler, P Schuster Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 33 (9), 1389-1404, 1993 | 430 | 1993 |
The topology of the possible: Formal spaces underlying patterns of evolutionary change BMR Stadler, PF Stadler, GP Wagner, W Fontana Journal of theoretical biology 213 (2), 241-274, 2001 | 429 | 2001 |
RNA folding at elementary step resolution. C Flamm, W Fontana, IL Hofacker, P Schuster RNA 6 (3), 325-338, 2000 | 421 | 2000 |
Curvature in metabolic scaling T Kolokotrones, V Savage, EJ Deeds, W Fontana Nature 464 (7289), 753-756, 2010 | 400 | 2010 |
RNA folding and combinatory landscapes W Fontana, PF Stadler, EG Bornberg-Bauer, T Griesmacher, IL Hofacker, ... Physical review E 47 (3), 2083, 1993 | 381 | 1993 |
Spontaneous emergence of a metabolism RJ Bagley, JD Farmer Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 1990 | 305* | 1990 |
A computer model of evolutionary optimization W Fontana, P Schuster Biophysical chemistry 26 (2-3), 123-147, 1987 | 301 | 1987 |
Sizing up allometric scaling theory VM Savage, EJ Deeds, W Fontana PLoS computational biology 4 (9), e1000171, 2008 | 295 | 2008 |
A microfabricated array of clamps for immobilizing and imaging C. elegans SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, J Apfeld, W Fontana, GM Whitesides Lab on a Chip 7 (11), 1515-1523, 2007 | 293 | 2007 |