The dynamics of coercion: American foreign policy and the limits of military might D Byman, M Waxman Cambridge University Press, 2002 | 545 | 2002 |
Cyber-attacks and the use of force: Back to the future of article 2 (4) MC Waxman Yale J. Int'l L. 36, 421, 2011 | 422 | 2011 |
Kosovo and the great air power debate DL Byman, MC Waxman International security 24 (4), 5-38, 2000 | 309 | 2000 |
The Muslim world after 9/11 A Rabasa, M Waxman, EV Larson, CY Marcum Rand Corporation, 2004 | 302 | 2004 |
Law and ethics for autonomous weapon systems: Why a ban won't work and how the laws of war can K Anderson, MC Waxman Stanford University, The Hoover Institution (Jean Perkins Task Force on …, 2013 | 163 | 2013 |
Strengthening the partnership: Improving military coordination with relief agencies and allies in humanitarian operations B Pirnie Rand Corporation, 2000 | 138 | 2000 |
Police and national security: American local law enforcement and counterterrorism after 9/11 MC Waxman J. Nat'l Sec. L. & Pol'y 3, 377, 2009 | 124 | 2009 |
National security federalism in the age of terror MC Waxman Stan. L. Rev. 64, 289, 2012 | 121 | 2012 |
Detention as targeting: standards of certainty and detention of suspected terrorists MC Waxman Colum. L. Rev. 108, 1365, 2008 | 118 | 2008 |
Adapting the law of armed conflict to autonomous weapon systems K Anderson, D Reisner, MC Waxman | 106 | 2014 |
Secret Evidence and the Due Process of Terrorist Detentions D Barak-Erez, MC Waxman Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 48, 3, 2009 | 93 | 2009 |
Law and ethics for robot soldiers K Anderson, MC Waxman | 90 | 2012 |
Confronting Iraq: US policy and the use of force since the Gulf War D Byman, MC Waxman Rand Corporation, 2000 | 76 | 2000 |
Defeating US coercion D Byman, M Waxman Survival 41 (2), 107-120, 1999 | 71 | 1999 |
Coercing Saddam Hussein: lessons from the past D Byman, K Pollack, M Waxman Survival 40 (3), 127-151, 1998 | 71 | 1998 |
Regulating Resort to Force: Form and Substance of the UN Charter Regime MC Waxman European Journal of International Law 24 (1), 151-189, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Administrative detention of terrorists: why detain, and detain whom MC Waxman J. Nat'l Sec. L. & Pol'y 3, 1, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
The structure of terrorism threats and the laws of war MC Waxman Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 20, 429, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Debating autonomous weapon systems, their ethics, and their regulation under international law K Anderson, MC Waxman | 59 | 2016 |
International Law and the Politics of Urban Air Operations MC Waxman (No Title), 2000 | 58 | 2000 |