All in a day's work: Boundaries and micro role transitions BE Ashforth, GE Kreiner, M Fugate Academy of Management review 25 (3), 472-491, 2000 | 4355 | 2000 |
“How can you do it?”: Dirty work and the challenge of constructing a positive identity BE Ashforth, GE Kreiner Academy of management Review 24 (3), 413-434, 1999 | 2671 | 1999 |
Evidence toward an expanded model of organizational identification GE Kreiner, BE Ashforth Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2004 | 1686 | 2004 |
Balancing borders and bridges: Negotiating the work-home interface via boundary work tactics GE Kreiner, EC Hollensbe, ML Sheep Academy of Management Journal 52 (4), 704-730, 2009 | 1615 | 2009 |
Where is the "me" among the "we"? Identity work and the search for optimal balance. GE Kreiner, EC Hollensbe, ML Sheep Academy of Management Journal 49 (5), 1031-1057, 2006 | 1242 | 2006 |
Consequences of work‐home segmentation or integration: a person‐environment fit perspective GE Kreiner Journal of Organizational Behavior 27 (4), 485-507, 2006 | 1233 | 2006 |
Normalizing dirty work: Managerial tactics for countering occupational taint B E. Ashforth, G E. Kreiner, M A. Clark, M Fugate Academy of Management Journal 50 (1), 149-174, 2007 | 809 | 2007 |
Identity dynamics in occupational dirty work: Integrating social identity and system justification perspectives GE Kreiner, BE Ashforth, DM Sluss Organization Science 17 (5), 619-636, 2006 | 650 | 2006 |
Governing by managing identity boundaries: The case of family businesses C Sundaramurthy, GE Kreiner Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 32 (3), 415-436, 2008 | 504 | 2008 |
On the edge of identity: Boundary dynamics at the interface of individual and organizational identities GE Kreiner, EC Hollensbe, ML Sheep Human Relations 59 (10), 1315-1341, 2006 | 393 | 2006 |
Dirty Work and Dirtier Work: Differences in Countering Physical, Social, and Moral Stigma. 脏活与更脏的工作: 在对抗身体、 社会和道德污名上的差异 BE Ashforth, GE Kreiner Management and Organization Review 10 (1), 81-108, 2014 | 367 | 2014 |
Normalizing emotion in organizations: Making the extraordinary seem ordinary BE Ashforth, GE Kreiner Human Resource Management Review 12 (2), 215-235, 2002 | 342 | 2002 |
Elasticity and the Dialectic Tensions of Organizational Identity: How Can We Hold Together While We Are Pulling Apart? GE Kreiner, E Hollensbe, ML Sheep, BR Smith, N Kataria Academy of Management Journal 58 (4), 981-1011, 2015 | 311 | 2015 |
Blue skies and black boxes: The promise (and practice) of grounded theory in human resource management research C Murphy, AC Klotz, GE Kreiner Human Resource Management Review 27 (2), 291-305, 2017 | 236 | 2017 |
Legitimating the legitimate: A grounded theory study of legitimacy work among Ethics and Compliance Officers LK Treviño, NA den Nieuwenboer, GE Kreiner, DG Bishop Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123 (2), 186-205, 2014 | 202 | 2014 |
Growing pains and gains: Framing identity dynamics as opportunities for identity growth GE Kreiner, ML Sheep Exploring positive identities and organizations, 23-46, 2009 | 126 | 2009 |
Managing Boundaries Through Identity Work The Role of Individual and Organizational Identity Tactics JR Knapp, BR Smith, GE Kreiner, C Sundaramurthy, SL Barton Family Business Review 26 (4), 333-355, 2013 | 125 | 2013 |
Conducting and publishing rigorous qualitative research A Rheinhardt, GE Kreiner, DA Gioia, KG Corley The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods 1 …, 2018 | 123 | 2018 |
Standing together or falling apart? Understanding employees’ responses to organizational identity threats EP Piening, TO Salge, D Antons, GE Kreiner Academy of Management Review 45 (2), 325-351, 2020 | 122 | 2020 |
Congruence work in stigmatized occupations: A managerial lens on employee fit with dirty work BE Ashforth, GE Kreiner, MA Clark, M Fugate Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (8), 1260-1279, 2017 | 120 | 2017 |