Functional data analysis for sparse longitudinal data F Yao, HG Müller, JL Wang Journal of the American statistical association 100 (470), 577-590, 2005 | 1925 | 2005 |
Functional data analysis JL Wang, JM Chiou, HG Müller Annual Review of Statistics and its application 3 (1), 257-295, 2016 | 1233 | 2016 |
Functional linear regression analysis for longitudinal data F Yao, HG Müller, JL Wang | 884 | 2005 |
Properties of principal component methods for functional and longitudinal data analysis P Hall, HG Müller, JL Wang | 598 | 2006 |
Hazard rate estimation under random censoring with varying kernels and bandwidths HG Müller, JL Wang Biometrics, 61-76, 1994 | 443 | 1994 |
The strong law under random censorship W Stute, JL Wang The Annals of statistics, 1591-1607, 1993 | 421 | 1993 |
Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data: likelihood approach revisited F Hsieh, YK Tseng, JL Wang Biometrics 62 (4), 1037-1043, 2006 | 341 | 2006 |
Intraocular lens power calculation after laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia and hyperopia: a standardized approach V Feiz, MJ Mannis, F Garcia-Ferrer, G Kandavel, JK Darlington, E Kim, ... Cornea 20 (8), 792-797, 2001 | 267 | 2001 |
From sparse to dense functional data and beyond X Zhang, JL Wang | 258 | 2016 |
Estimation for a partial-linear single-index model JL Wang, L Xue, L Zhu, YS Chong | 238 | 2010 |
Mosquitoes do senesce: departure from the paradigm of constant mortality LM Styer, JR Carey, JL Wang, TW Scott The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 76 (1), 111, 2007 | 222 | 2007 |
Joint modelling of accelerated failure time and longitudinal data YK Tseng, F Hsieh, JL Wang Biometrika 92 (3), 587-603, 2005 | 222 | 2005 |
Dual modes of aging in Mediterranean fruit fly females JR Carey, P Liedo, HG Müller, JL Wang, JW Vaupel Science 281 (5379), 996-998, 1998 | 204 | 1998 |
Density and hazard rate estimation for censored data via strong representation of the Kaplan-Meier estimator SH Lo, YP Mack, JL Wang Probability theory and related fields 80, 461-473, 1989 | 190 | 1989 |
Functional response models JM Chiou, HG Müller, JL Wang Statistica Sinica, 675-693, 2004 | 188 | 2004 |
Risk of dementia after anaesthesia and surgery PL Chen, CW Yang, YK Tseng, WZ Sun, JL Wang, SJ Wang, YJ Oyang, ... The British Journal of Psychiatry 204 (3), 188-193, 2014 | 178 | 2014 |
Functional canonical analysis for square integrable stochastic processes G He, HG Müller, JL Wang Journal of Multivariate Analysis 85 (1), 54-77, 2003 | 163 | 2003 |
Fertility and life span: late children enhance female longevity HG Müller, JM Chiou, JR Carey, JL Wang The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2002 | 160 | 2002 |
Strong representations of the survival function estimator for truncated and censored data with applications I Gijbels, JL Wang Journal of Multivariate analysis 47 (2), 210-229, 1993 | 160 | 1993 |
Life history response of Mediterranean fruit flies to dietary restriction JR Carey, P Liedo, L Harshman, Y Zhang, HG Müller, L Partridge, ... Aging cell 1 (2), 140-148, 2002 | 153 | 2002 |